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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Oh dear...... I hope you haven't caught something nasty........or contagious.....
  2. So more of the same........lol. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  3. More terror in France however it look like the Muslim cunt toasted himself !!!!! lol lol. A car deliberately hit a police van before bursting into flames on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées in central Paris, police officials say. The driver died in the incident. Police found a Kalashnikov rifle, handguns and gas bottles in the car. "Security forces have been targeted in France once again," Interior Minister Gérard Collomb said, calling it an "attempted attack". No law enforcement officers or civilian bystanders were hurt. One more gone....
  4. Reported for terror threats to the Met. Expect a knock on the door. Idiot.
  5. You dribbledick. I bet you run a gay sauna in Soho.... lol. Fuck off.
  6. There will be more Osbornes and more sophisticated militia then eventually a massively powerful and popular military coup by our armed forces.
  7. Well it would have been at another Mosque or goat-herding centre in another part of London then......
  8. Muslim rape gang run riot across the country. Muslim Cunts blow up theatres full of teenage girls, mow down commuters on London Bridge then attack couples with knives and stab people having a pleasant evening out. All within the space of a few weeks......what do these cunts expect ? More platitudes ? Islam must go.....It's not a religion it's a political ideology at odds with Western culture and way of life. It must be confronted with zero tolerance.
  9. Your dreams should be kept to yourself...
  10. At the moment we have all the trained soldiers and the keys to all the armouries and a nice supply of weapons. This is all going to go downhill rapidly so I think we should make a start now and call in the troops a shut all the Mosques. These Muslims and their crackpot religion are abusing and destroying our nation.
  11. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  12. More of your depravef sex life.....yawn...
  13. I can't see see the population of this country being happy with British Troops protecting Mosques......because that could well be on the agenda....... Next Islamist attack by the end of the week followed by mass civil disorder...
  14. Or the murder of the next Policeman.....
  15. I think the golf club will be ok but Gay nightclubs will be targeted so what are you going to do instead? lol.
  16. I have my own private store of weaponry.....including a vicious ancient mashie niblick, a razor sharp Kukri but best of a Zulu Knobkerri.....
  17. If your limbs and you part company you will have wished you had stayed in and watched re-runs of Top of the Pops....
  18. After the incident at the Finsbury Park Mosque, which should have been shut down years ago, I would surmise that an Islamist style slaughter is only days away.... 1. Avoid Church or Christian gatherings. 2. Arm yourself as legally as you can....carry a cane, snooker cue or cricket bat with you. 3. Avoid all Mosques and Muslims and do not patronise any of their businesses for anything. 4. Avoid Sports or social events We are at war and our troops will soon be on the streets.....
  19. That would be like putting a Chimpanzee in morning dress.... lol.
  20. And we have the Ashes...... lol. Fuck off.
  21. I was radicalised by other cunts whilst inside.
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