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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. My spellchecker jumped the gun. Go and feed Skippy and then fuck off.
  2. Your noms are shite.... Mine always get debate and vigorous exchanges with pathos. You're a penis.
  3. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  4. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  5. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  6. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  7. The next terrorist attack will be a separate topic......and the next and so on. It'll be busy on Cuntscorner this summer...... Fuck off.
  8. Actually I'm playing golf this week at a club you wouldn't get into...
  9. I've never PM'd you. You're a lying twat.
  10. Stubby for Minister of the Interior....... lol.
  11. I'd like the new role of Minister of Deportations.....
  12. Peter Tatchell is on record saying he wants to reduce the age of consent to 12 which is an utter disgrace. As a Catholic I think no sex before marriage is an admirable goal so 16 is both appropriate and fair......for members of the opposite sex. Homosexuals will do whatever they want anyway and subtly lay the the foundations for their new intake well before the age of consent in many circumstances. Muslim grooming gangs don't have any age of consent particularly if the girl is not from their ethnic mix.If she's part of an arranged marriage the age of consent is a movable feast. In the wild most animals become sexually active at puberty. Fuck off.
  13. "Justice for Harris" All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  14. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  15. Rolf Harris was "set up" and his appeals are on going......
  16. If got cancer I would laugh like fuck and so would you ! lol.
  17. That pouch looks a bit full at the front....... Right up your street.... and Stubbydribbles... lol.
  18. All you ever post are your gay porn fantasies....
  19. You wouldn't be able to laugh at your you're own demise would you !
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