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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Your dream job would be as Ian Huntley's gofer in prison.... lol.
  2. I personally hope they're all found not guilty.....it would annoy all the thieving drunken scousers who attended the game.
  3. Oh dear.......The Plod have allegedly been telling porkies.... Mr Duckenfield faces manslaughter by gross negligence of 95 men, women and children. Sir Norman faces four charges of misconduct in a public office relating to alleged lies he told in the aftermath about the culpability of fans Graham Mackrell, former Sheffield Wednesday Club Secretary, will be accused of breaching Health and Safety and Safety at Sports Ground legislation Peter Metcalf, who was a solicitor acting for SYP, is charged with perverting the course of Justice, relating to changes to witness statements Former Ch Supt Donald Denton is accused of perverting the course of justice Former Det Ch Insp Alan Foster is charged with perverting the course of justice So that's 4 Policemen a Solicitor and a Football Club Secretary.
  4. Oh dear......you've been stirring the coffee with your tool..... lol.
  5. I'm surprised no one has nominated this prize cuntwipe. Steve German is the first cunt to get thrown out of question time. An archetype socialist worker party "comrade" he shouted and bawled like a adolescent cretin until Dimbleby fucked him off. Typical of the crowd that never listen because they know they are right, they live to stifle debate and peddle lies and deceit. As with most SWP members he probably lives in a yurt and clips lesbian's hair and minges for a living.
  6. Society needs protection from psychos like yourself who wish to become judge and jury for sex offenders then commit murder. A maniac like you should be interred with the offenders he wishes to torture and persecute.( obviously not on the same wing ). You're a low grade nutter.
  7. Thanks for your kindness and understanding....... Fucking tool.
  8. I thought this thread needed an airing.........
  9. Islamist attack due any day now......watch your backs and arm yourself..... Take one of the fuckers with you !
  10. You're being horribly working class again. I bet you voted for Corbyn........ as well as being a wannabe scoutmaster..... Lol.
  11. I think it's great that some of the Cuntscorner bum mafia have been rightfully barred. I was being victimised and pointed the finger...... lol.
  12. YMCA are a gay stereotype....just like you..,.. lol.
  13. Catholicism doesn't allow suicide. Sod off.
  14. You should meet and introduce yourself to the Admin team at Cuntscorner........
  15. No Village People for you to gawp at ? lol.
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