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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. He's been convicted of nothing and says the allegations are totally false. He's going back to Australia to fight the charges.
  2. A retired Army officer at my golf club has a black retriever which causes much mirth as it's called Mugabe...... lol.
  3. You sound more like Drew with every post..... lol.
  4. I'll give you an opinion on Drew...... but I value my expert opinion. Please forward £5000 to sort code 34ZUR658 Suisse No 3454556598714 or fuck off.
  5. Another Ian Brady groupie comes out of the woodwork...
  6. So.......have you been charged and released on bail ?
  7. So are your opinions on everything but especially your vacuous drivel on Hillsborough. It started with football hooliganism and drunken yobs.Now wankers like you want the Police to go down for the boorish aggression of a drunken mob. Fuck off.
  8. Firstly you are all the same because you're criminal scum so fuck off for that. Secondly idioms like "fair call" should remain in WoogerBugger Creek where they emanated. Thirdly..... fuck off.
  9. You may be banned........ lol.
  10. Broadmoor has a variety of nutters .....
  11. Reported for abuse of Fatty's Mum... You rotten shit.
  12. He/she/it is always trying to get people banned.........and should be permanently incarcerated in Broadmoor with friends and those of an identical disposition.
  13. How nice......more Ian Brady torture techniques ? Were you close ?
  14. The Liverpool fans created the problem by failing to queue in an orderly fashion and by behaving like oiks and peasants. It was thought a wall would collapse so fatalities would have occurred either way. Duckinfield was damned regardless of his choice of action. As for the cover up....most forces at the time would have done the same thing. After all these were the scrotes who had behaved so abominably at the Heysel disaster. No one has ever been killed at a rugby match and arrests are unheard of. George Best was a cunt.
  15. Southerncunt will do this all the time particularly when he's giving Skippy one......
  16. Lee van Cleef often played killers..
  17. Earl of Punkape


    You sound like Ian Brady now.......ware you related ?
  18. The Van de Kerkoffs were the first twins to play for Holland.
  19. Do you remember the Van de Kerkoff twins who played for Holland ?
  20. What sort of people go to football matches anyway ?
  21. Both decent men soon to be scapegoated on the bonfire of football hooliganism. Actually Betinson could well get off. Duckinfield will probably plead guilty a get a couple of years suspended. He hardly did anything deliberately and was then a rabbit in the headlights.... The whole thing was an unfortunate accident.
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