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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You're on record here explicitly wanting to murder and torture evil cunts like Ian Brady. You sick fuck. That makes you the same as Ian Brady......You want to indulge in the same sick depravity.
  2. I objected to your child rape reference you sick fuckwit.....expect a lengthy ban. Fuck off.
  3. He must have tertiary AIDS to be posting such banal drivel......or tertiary herpees..... lol
  4. You should have.......... " Illiterate chav spastic at the wheel "
  5. Yes...... to Mr and Mrs Ape Flat 1a Grenfelclad Apartments Shitsville Excretashire lol. lol.
  6. Ah......on cue our Tesco mystery shopper arrives.........lol. Fuck off peasant.
  7. If you patronise the cheap "pile it high" and "cunts are us" supermarket chains, you consign yourself to a shopping life with the hoi-polloi and great unwashed. Perhaps you fit in with this customer profile..... but don't bore us to death with all the fatuous, grubby detail and episodes you encounter at such gloomy destinations. Do fuck off.
  8. Your favourite topic, lifestyle and daily pursuit comes to the fore once again.... Alfie Noakes HIV +
  9. Never has there been a sorrier state of individual than than the cunt that scuttles shiftily in and out of a betting shop all day. Such wankers move their entire GDP eventually into such places whilst the proprietors burble on about responsible gambling and then fleece the fuckers down to their birthday suits. i wouldn't be seen dead in a betting shop with such riff-raff and if I do bet on anything it's at the races or occasionally on-line for golf or other gentlemanly pursuits. Fuck off.
  10. Or we could discuss a nom about the history of corporate planning and building development in West Rudgeley 1961- 1974....... or or you could fuck off you tedious, backward twat.
  11. Good evening. I'm surprised you're out tonight......I thought you'd be at your local truckstop earning some extra money doing "tricks".
  12. Well we'll see what happens at the trial. In the meantime fuck off.
  13. An Australian witness is hardly going to tell the truth either......
  14. All Muslims are terrorists.
  15. I thought Nick Ferrari was good....common sense in spades......... I think Ape would go down very well on the Question Time panel.......A short irrelevant, pithy statement followed by a "fuck off" to all and sundry......
  16. Crikey......you were up early.... Were you on your way to work at the council refuse department ? ( sanitary waste disposal operative with disability ) lol. Fuck off as well. lol.
  17. Let him have his trial before you judge him then.....
  18. There was a horrible, fat left-wing lesbian on last night with a foghorn voice who was put in her place. Fucking immoral slag......
  19. Every drug addict and alcoholic could accuse any clerg they have known previously of anything, then seek criminal compensation for lies... Fuck off.
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