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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. I bet you thought Myra Hindley was marriage material. lol.
  2. You would enjoy mutilating Ian Brady if he was still around ? N'est pas ?
  3. What about fucking Moslem cunts working in air-traffic control during ramadan or in a Zoo and being responsible for the animals. I know I wouldn't want to find a hungry fucking lion outside the front door in the morning because some dozy Moslem had left it's cage open. Fuck off.
  4. I bet your punters are called Sadiq, Asif, Imran and Mohamed. lol.
  5. It's Ape's rent-boy wearing the new sex aid..... lol.
  6. Oh it's the Ian and Myra appreciation society's one man band chief creepy fan........ lol. Fuck off torturer
  7. Get back to your kerbcrawling patch hussey..... lol.
  8. He normally recites a gay sex diatribe in most of his posts usless it's about the torture of sex offenders where he wants to inflict the torment...... He's also developed full blown AIDS Frank. Can you give him hope or faith ?
  9. My wealth has increased enormously under the Tories but that's because I've inherited substantial amounts as well. Cameron went to Eton and Oxford and is a fabulous chap.
  10. Gordon Ramsay won't allow children into his Michelin starred restaurants because there's no point. Children's savoury palates don't develop properly until they are 12 or 13 and they can't guzzle a nice Petus so it's a no to them and quite rightly so. You were obviously at some pretentious caff near Hamstead Heath after the filleting of your arse in the bushes by an Albanian kitchen porter..... Fuck off.
  11. I'm sure a proper Jihaddy could have "furnished" him with a proper exploding vest..... lol.
  12. I appear to have mispelled bomber...
  13. A teenage Isis supporter has admitted plotting a terror attack potentially targeting an Elton John concert on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Haroon Syed, from Hounslow, pleaded guilty to the preparation of terrorist acts between April and September at the Old Bailey after a last-ditch attempt to get his case thrown out failed. The court heard how Syed attempted to buy weapons online, including a machine gun, handguns, a suicide vest and a bomb, and trawled the web to find crowded targets in London for the massacre.
  14. I believe Friut Bat is very good eating although I haven't tried it myself......
  15. Have you read "Bouquet of barbed wire " ?
  16. How about some photos of your punters from your blackmail stash luv ?
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