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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Actually he exists......... The Reverend Canaan Banana..... In 1997, Banana was arrested in Zimbabwe on charges of sodomy, following accusations made during the murder trial of his former bodyguard, Jefta Dube.Dube, a policeman, had shot dead Patrick Mashiri,an officer who had taunted him about being "Banana's homosexual wife".] The charges related to allegations from the state prosecutor that Banana had misused his power while he was president to coerce numerous men in positions of service (ranging from domestic staff to security guards, and even members of sports teams for whom he had acted as referee) into accepting sexual advances. Banana was found guilty of eleven charges of sodomy, attempted sodomy and indecent assault in 1998. He denied all charges, saying that homosexuality is "deviant, abominable and wrong", and the allegations made against him were "pathological lies" intended to destroy his political career.[7] Janet Banana later discussed and accepted her husband's alleged homosexuality, even though she considered the charges against him to be politically motivated.
  2. Nurse Mbongo Canaan Banana.
  3. Who's the policy with ?
  4. You won't be able to afford private health insurance and you could be consigned to a painful wait whist I jump the queue. I hope you get measles and the Ebola virus simultaneously. Lol.
  5. 1.5 million wouldn't go too far if you developed complete spasticity.......another reason you wouldn't get into my golf club... Tosser.
  6. I'm on I phone and can't see the screen cock breath.
  7. He make Airfix models of planes then he tries to sell them on eBay....... He is also HIV+
  8. You're too stupid to even realise applying for my golf club would be a waste of life. lol.
  9. Not really. I play golf with a good number of the key consultants in the area and they have looked after the extended family for generations.I get the best when I want it. The Consultants get into the golf club..... You will queue for a year with dropsy.... lol. Fuck off.
  10. Have you got a dance number lined up for us soon Frank ? Bucket of flids at the ready ! lol.
  11. You've hardly exceeded expectations since your dismal return from the Stalag. Obscurity is your most attainable target.....
  12. Isn't it. You stupid NHS faeces removal operative. lol.
  13. What I pay for with my private health insurance is to jump the queue....... .because I can afford to....... If anything serious crops up I get seen straight away and the same for not so serious concerns. Cunts who have to wait 6 months for a prolapsed arse or droopy dick can fuck off. I pay.....I get seen first. The highly competent but greedy consultants are more than happy with these arrangements. Fuck off.
  14. My ego and my standards create confusion for simpletons like you. You live on the margins scuttling about like a lame poodle with distemper....
  15. I thought it was "Syphalis ridden nurse".
  16. You could kill yourself and become more popular......
  17. If you had been on a hospital ward there would be a necessity to fumigate it and cleanse with fire you pox-ridden fuckwit.
  18. You obviously have an issue with private medicine. Nurses are overpaid nappy changers who don't clean the wards properly and catch venereal diseases every weekend. Fuck off.
  19. I've not been ill enough to ever worry about it. Fuck off as well you nosey, impertinent wanker.
  20. I saw Mud at the Apollo in Manchester in 1975........ " I really love your Tiger feet" Fuck off.
  21. Well if I do it will be on private ward in a private hospital because of my private medical insurance. All my medical arrangements are private including fucking the nurse if I want to. Fuck off.
  22. You should do your job and not moan about it on Cuntscorner. Most nurses are slags especially after a few drinks and a deep-fried takeaway. lol.
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