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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You have a natural propensity for evil.... You and the devil would be comfortable bedfellows.... lol.
  2. There are more practicing Catholic s in Ireland than England and as a result a far nicer place.
  3. Ian Brady probably enjoyed burning people as well. Your continued advocacy of torture should get you banned from this site and the rest of the internet you sick weirdo.... Fuck off.
  4. Women at their best.....kitchen and bedroom with a hoover to hand..... lol. Fuck off.
  5. Reported again for moderator abuse.
  6. Reported for moderator abuse.
  7. Cunts like you should be interred for preaching "hate atheism " as well as promoting gay tolerance and pathetically wistful proletarian dogma. Our society lurches daily towards a latter day Sodom and Gomorrah with you and your ghastly types washing your hands in the bloated excess. There will be a judgement day and you will be brought to account for your embrace of the country's moral collapse and spiritual disintegration. Like Edward vii you wallow in a cesspool of degradation and laud it's mind sapping decay. You should repent whilst you can or face the consequences before your maker. Fuck off.
  8. All atheists should be subjected to Christian conversion programs. Fuck off.
  9. You're a fucking disgrace with tertiary mumps.
  10. No... Actually I've been on a golfing holiday. How's your ice cream van business going ?
  11. You should be worrying about a knock on the door....
  12. How much do you charge them for a gobble ?
  13. Prove the murder you mention. Unless it's imaginary and you're using it to disparage me with admin. Edward vii was a wanker.
  14. You can't libel the dead. Murder is much more prevalent amongst working class communities so your bereavement can't have been too much of a surprise........I'll bet you were an early suspect though...., lol.
  15. Why were they murdererd ? Did a Jihaddy do it ?
  16. Pistorius was not guilty.......
  17. I bet your herpees has returned too ! lol.
  18. Tell every cunt at work that you have cancer for a nice bout of sympathy then fuck off and set fire to yourself...... lol. Fuck off.
  19. I bet both deaths were AIDS related........ lol.
  20. No doubt you have a menagerie of squirrels, hamsters and gerbils for your weekend activities and plenty of shampoo to clean their fur afterwards...... lol.
  21. A very polished start by Jacob on Question Time just now.......
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