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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. You depraved pervert.
  2. Judging by Australia's performances against England in recent sporting events it would appear that Australias men are all ponces and faggots. Fuck off.
  3. Noakes will be changing into his scoutmaster gear right now.... lol.
  4. Fantasist pansy. lol. Fuck off.
  5. You fat disgusting mess. Fuck off.
  6. Why would an adult have a child's hobby ?
  7. You ignorant, working class, ill mannered, grotesque, tasteless, boring wanker. lol.
  8. They're such ignorant oiks though.... Mingeeta has the IQ of a baboon with cerebral palsy.
  9. You should get poisoned flick-knife built into your shoe like Rosa Klebb in From Russia with Love. You probably look like her as well...... lol. Fuck off.
  10. Lots of golf planned and more next week. Are you playing with your spastics modelling set again.. You boring fuckwipe.
  11. More pearls from our resident de-frocked Scoutmaster....... lol.
  12. You undoubtedly use Canal No7. lol. Slag.
  13. I blame acid attacks on the proliferation anal sex. Anal sex propagates an emotional response of gross violation and crystalizes an over proportional revenge response.
  14. You would need more than 25 litres of industrial strength Domestos to disinfect Frank upon his arrival......
  15. Reported again. Oh and fuck off as well.
  16. That's why you're evil and going to hell. lol.
  17. When they eventually get repatriated you go back with them and teach them how to fuck their goats properly. lol.
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