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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Cunts like you have "dinner" instead of lunch and "tea" instead of dinner.... You fucking serf.
  2. I shall be on the terrace in front of the clubhouse on Saturday afternoon and I will be wearing my Panama hat. Fuck off.
  3. All Australians will be excluded from the areas I will be at the Open. The last Australian to be in contention, Adam Scott, filled his trousers over the last 4 holes and lost after leading by 3........ What a cunt.
  4. I shall be at the Open this week for 3 days with VIP access and clubhouse pass. I shall lunch under canvas on each of those days. Hoi-polloi and golf prats will be excluded from the areas I will occupy. Fuck off.
  5. Earl of Punkape

    r Kelly.

    What are your thoughts on Etruscan ceramics and early Inuit fur salination and anhydrous leaching technology ? Fuck off.
  6. Earl of Punkape

    r Kelly.

    I bet you liked Cyril Smith..... lol.
  7. Earl of Punkape

    r Kelly.

    Who has he raped ? It could have been worse for the victim had the assailant been Cyril Smith....
  8. Earl of Punkape

    r Kelly.

    Are you referring to revolting "Mushy" peas that proletarians like Manky and yourself consume ?
  9. Fuck off slimeball oik. lol.
  10. Earl of Punkape

    r Kelly.

    R Kelly..........What's the R stand for ? Rastus ?
  11. You don't understand..... That's because you're a cretin and a vassal. lol. Fuck off.
  12. Scoutmaster's such as Noakes and Stubby are always busier in the summer holidays..........
  13. You're doing it again peasant .
  14. You might think differently if you reared game birds. i liked the chap in KES who wrung the Kestrels neck and threw it in the dustbin. lol.
  15. I'm simply replying to Noakes trolling to everything I post on the site. What have you got to say to that ? Roops
  16. There aren't any gay Catholics.
  17. Why do you have Prince Michael of Kent as your avatar ? You disrespectful wanker.
  18. I'm amazed the Dr Who wasn't black as well......
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