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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. Did you fly with Roy Whiting to your louche venues ?
  2. Just arrived at the Open ! Too windy for my Panama. Bollinger next..... lol. Fuck off.
  3. I suspect you knew Roy Whiting and had Whiting and chips with him on a regular basis. Fuck off.
  4. You and Whiting had Whiting and chips in Scarborough on a regular basis......
  5. You thick twat. Whiting and Chips for supper tonight ? lol.
  6. I alleged nothing of the sort yet you said "Cecil J Allen was probably a nonce". I've reported you for that.I will also keep an eye on you from now on and report you for the slightest transgression. When you went on holiday with Roy Whiting where did you stay ?
  7. Where did you travel to with Whiting ?
  8. Tell us about Roy Whiting instead..... You were great friends weren't you ?
  9. and a fine spray of HIV in the air with the scattered and minced cocks......
  10. You should take your helicopter to a gay dogging evening and fly it into the action..... there would be cocks and zips everywhere.....
  11. Did you meet her in Tesco ? Does she make model aircraft with you ?
  12. You're a disgrace and a boring repetitive cretin.
  13. Your dinner will be the tackle of your live-in Lithuanian lover and rent boy. fuck off.
  14. Your penis size and your IQ..... 1.24 inches 1.24 IQ. lol. lol. Fuck off.
  15. Are you watching the Open golf or are you going dogging with your civil partner ?
  16. You should have an avatar of a fat, depraved sod with tertiary AIDS and make-up on....
  17. You were undoubtedly a great friend of Roy Whiting....... lol.
  18. That's a boater not a panama you thick twat.
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