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Earl of Punkape

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Everything posted by Earl of Punkape

  1. ........said the airfix model maker with herpees and genital warts on his hamster. lol
  2. From your new avatar you would appear to follow Himmler, the architect of the final solution. Do you think he was justified in what he did ?
  3. Kammal, Noakes's Albanian gay dogging accomplice may get there first...... lol. Fuck off.
  4. You have your gerbils and memories of the times you spent with Ian Brady..... Were you ever questioned or cautioned ?
  5. True enough.....but you might have to work In very close proximity to these cunts in the front line......not good. Can you imagine one of our Nuclear submarines with dozen transgender sailors trying to shove torpedoes up each other arses. They should be fucked off immediately.
  6. Have you shampooed your gerbils for the weekend Scouts leaders weekend ? lol.
  7. You failed to make your point.
  8. The BBC would have kittens..... Our military will become a magnet for weirdos with issues if we just leave the Trans situation as it is. In addition your good servicemen will walk out of the door.... The problem sorted itself yesteryear when such perverts were weeded out in basic training or were given a hiding behind the Naafi. Fuck off.
  9. Your criticism attempts are feeble and without scope or body. However you are semi-literate and maligned with acute cerebral challenges. lol.
  10. Such things are provided ad nauseam on here by yourself...... lol. Fuck off
  11. The British armed forces need to follow Trump's lead and throw out the perverts. Punkape, the voice of reason. lol. Fuck off.
  12. You're obviously short of punters in the "massage parlour" tonight...... lol.
  13. Donald Trump has surprised the LGBT and military communities in what could be a radical shift away from recent "inclusive bollocks" policies that opened up the door for transgender weirdo perverts to serve in the US armed forces. Mr Trump effectively banned transgender sickos from serving in the US military, blaming the "medical costs and disruption" they would cause in a series of tweets. The announcement did not give details on the issues. "After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US Military," Mr Trump said. Excellent and a massive step in the right direction for common sense and for the working environment of normal service personnel... Fuck off.
  14. The "old boiler" being Raoul in drag.........your Paraguayan, HIV+, transgender, live-in rent boy...... lol.
  15. Islam and its interpretation today should be challenged by its own practitioners and reformed. In its current form it is incompatible with modern evolving western society. Fuck off.
  16. Reported for overt racism....... cooler for you arsehole.
  17. Reported for family abuse.
  18. He would certainly go if there was a gay dogging area nearby..... lol.
  19. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley never got the chance to present Tiswas.....
  20. The dog died from Rabies and canine AIDS.....
  21. You wear jeans I don't. lol. Peasant.
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