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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. If you're happy and you know it .........never mind!
  2. "So ve are agreed; I vill hev an abortion"! Klara Hitler to Herr Hitler!
  3. If they thought that they wouldn't compete
  4. I cant believe that people are getting so angry about this. What do you want of these soldiers who lose a limb? Just fucking mope about in their wheelchairs or on false legs? Just dissapear into the background? All they want to do is compete in sports. Whats wrong with that? As I said before its not about Harry.
  5. Lotteries are for thick gullible twats
  6. I really cant be asked to react to that
  7. Sorry I cant say owt about this. It gives those guys who have made a sacrifice something to focus on. Especially when u hear cunts on x-fuctor who say that their lives ate over if they are shit enough to get rejected. Fuck prince harry. Its not about him
  8. my god. That stuff put me to sleep once back in 83. That is rohipnol from a pump
  9. No but you usually find it in dense undergrowth!
  10. Its the Arm and Hammer one I can't stand. Starring this person.
  11. Its the Arm and Hammer one I can't stand. Starring this person.
  12. Ah I know it well. I have to disguise myself as a local chav because they dont like gypsies. The food bank not the Synagogue. Is there a synagogue down the OKR?
  13. I may bring out a Romany cookbook. Pigeon and sparrow pie (air rifle needed) Mullard pudding (slice of mothers pride, large blanket, cosh and local pond needed). Nettle soup and hedgehog baked in its own spikes. Luvverly!
  14. Its always refreshing to read an in-depth, well thought out political comment that encourages debate. Well done Andy!
  15. I guess its better than having a massive Indian come over you!
  16. They always speed up when I try to sell them lucky heather. They speed up even more when I start cursing them.
  17. Wow. We started at the big church. Apparently all the prostitutes would walk round and round it touting for business.
  18. I usually just close my eyes and hope that no fucker smashes into me. Mind you, my horse is a nervous wreck!
  19. I went on a ripper walk last year. It was really good. It was middle of december and bitterly cold and it was great to visit the sites of the murders. Just saying
  20. "Mama mia! Disa Hitler ees a fuckinga twata witha a stupido moustacha! He can go anda fuck heemself. Im nota going to war. I make a de love innit. Clara giva me a handjob!" Mussolini!
  21. A man once told me I had nice "garden cities"!
  22. Trust a frenchman to come up with this syndrome. Fuck her in the pussy!!! Ooops. sorry (flutters eyelids)
  23. Blimey you've got a googd memory
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