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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I should imagine the lady in question feels the same when you pull down your trouser and pants!
  2. camberwell gypsy


    What do you want me to wear?
  3. camberwell gypsy


    I wish you would change your avatar London. Its horrible
  4. camberwell gypsy


    I'll bring my tambourine round to yours and dance for you in the garden if you like!
  5. Nurse nurse he's out of bed again!!
  6. Wow! Thats the nicest thing someone has said to me in a long time! I think
  7. Christ this site is getting boring
  8. Constipation? You're full of shit!
  9. Last time I was in Morocco some bastard put their hand up my skirt. I span round to see a face with a bushy beard and hardly any teeth grinning at me. I was about to punch out but luckily her husband dragged her away!
  10. She certainly looks gruff!
  11. Eating conkers? Have you got "100 Gypsy recipes" cookbook in your kitchen Jazz?
  12. Haven't had one of them for years
  13. Its better just to ring the takeaway direct
  14. He wouldn't have bummed off to america. He planned to move to the midlands and fight from there. He did fuck up a few times (Moving in to Greece before kicking the the Italians out of North Africa) but he was a good motivator and he motivated the British public. I could imagine his "fight them on the beeches" speech galvanised the British public. Luckily for us the Charlie Chaplin lookalike fucked up more times then winnie
  15. He'll come back as a zombie.
  16. I ordered an Indian with these and it took 3 hours to come. By the time they came knocking on the caravan door I'd whipped up a paella and took myself off to bed. I complained to these cunts and all I got was "We don't control the restaurant madam". Arseholes
  17. Is it KD Lang? Constant craving!!!!!!
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