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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Happy new year degenerate. Here I am in a crowded pub in camberwell and what do I do? Fucking wish you a HNY.
  2. Get off the site, you fucking drunk.
  3. You're thinking of your mum Bubba not me
  4. Nah! Last year I was on a cruise ship anchored in Funchal harbour, watching the fantastic firework display whilst sipping a campari on the arm of a gorgeous young man, dressed in a tuxedo (not me, him ).
  5. That's Pen, Roops and Frank at last year's CC NYE party.
  6. NICE are generally made up of Dr's and nurses who no longer practice in the real world. I met several of them at medical conferences and found them to be totally removed from what's happening in the real world.
  7. camberwell gypsy


    Yeah like we don't have enough drivel merchants on this shite....sorry I meant site. Actually, I'm right the first time
  8. camberwell gypsy


    Fucking bollocks Pen.
  9. I'm not a cunt like most of the other arseholes. Btw: Don't spell it 'assholes'. Not on this site anyway. And don't talk about football either. Just some advice
  10. 5 UK top 10 hits including 2 number 1s. Hardly a one hit wonder. But a scruffy, smug fucking cunt I agree
  11. I think a line should be drawn under the whole sorry saga. Here they are talking about compo for IRA people but what about compo for that band who's bus was stopped by the IRA and the band members shot and killed? They were a talented band. Unlike fucking Five Star.
  12. Glad to see you've got Julian as your avatar. I watched "Dear Santa go fuck yourself" on boxing day.
  13. It's all bollocks snatch. It's all bollocks
  14. I'm down here in Elveden forest in Suffolk, getting back to nature and breaking bread with the local romanies here and I haven't seen one Christmas jumper and haven't heard one fucking christmas song at all. It's bliss.
  15. Even worse if the silly fuckers are wearing flashing foam reindeer antlers as well
  16. Why have you got that boozed up headcase Caroline Ahearne as you're avatar Pen?
  17. The same person who taught you how to write your name last week.
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