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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Just Wikipedia'd it. Apparently it was about a girl he fell in love with who died in a fire. Nice
  2. Wasn't that song about Marriane Faithful? She got about didn't she? Sharing a Mars bar with Mick Jagger as well.
  3. You take many fridges to dinner than Wolfie?
  4. That's the women Wolfie, not the fridges
  5. Is that the bloke who played The Penguin in your avatar, Wiz?
  6. Why have you cut yourself? Oh sorry I thought you said band aids.
  7. Maybe the male nurse in the erectile dysfunction unit you attend may do, but many nurses don't
  8. I've seen during my days at A&E many patients coming in who have had minor accidents (tripping on stairs or pavements) who do not need to come in, but try to get an A&E report to try for compo. One woman had a two year old with her who was plainly tired, hungry and irritable as it was late at night, was prepared to wait for over 4 hours to be seen. There were no bruises evident and it was clear what she was up to .
  9. What the hell does that mean?
  10. Anymore of that baws and I'll have you sectioned. In fact I'll section the whole bally lot of you
  11. I agree with one of the comments about Kleptomania. Not knowing why she does it is one of the classic symptoms. If she were my patient I would do a psychiatric referal.
  12. Maybe the tart ended up in the chilli concarne. Somebody choked on her ankle chain
  13. It is indeed all a load of tosh. I'm always telling people when I read their palms and tea leaves and looking in my crystal ball, that they shouldn't believe all this mumbo jumbo.
  14. You know the saying "history is written by the victors".
  15. It was an american invention actually. In 1838 they stuck native americans in them. The Spanish used them in Cuba in the 1890s and the yanks used them again in the Phillipines.
  16. If you mean places like India, you'll find that the natives were doing most of that themselves. I'm not apologising for Britain but they used the fissures in their colonies to their advantage
  17. Shame Mrs Christie didn't have something like that in her kitchen. It would have caught her bald little shit of a husband knocking off and screwing (in that order) those women he lured into their Rillington Place shit hole. Mind you, the police were so shit, they'd have still fucked things up.
  18. Not nowhere near as what the nazi did.
  19. My mum had bigger biceps. Smaller moustache as well.
  20. Most DJs are like that. The only ones I've really liked are John Peel and Tommy Vance.
  21. Why have you got my great grandmother as your avatar?
  22. Pissing in the font, pissing in the font, we'll all come rejoicing pissing in the font. Hallelujah praise the lord.
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