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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. No Roman Catholic. I've still got my confirmation dress. And no, it doesn't fit
  2. Unfunny talentless twat. Can't really add anything else.
  3. I was having my bionic legs upgraded for better arse kicking.
  4. Until you get back here and then you can fuck off again
  5. Fuck off. Fuck right off
  6. I bet they found him about as funny as I do
  7. I heard Wogan used to get 10k for presenting the Children in Need programme for the bbc. If this is true then he's a cunt.
  8. Good one. I think each member should post a list of say 10 people they'd like to be rip to shreds by a large animal, land based or otherwise and depending how it goes, CC can send off the list to Ch5 and hopefully get a commission for it. I'm sure a lot of these cunts would be up for it.
  9. I believe he was a fan of Dorothy.
  10. I was about 6. My aunt took us to see the circus I think it was over Streatham Common. They came out in one of their little cars that exploded. The bang was fucking loud and I leapt into my aunts lap and promptly pissed all over her lap.
  11. Don't like clowns. One of them scared the piss out if me when I was little.
  12. As that copper with the bad French would say "You may have pissed them on the woo".
  13. The wider family can't be much cop, because any normal family would have killed him by now.
  14. No it was 'Allo allo'. Ah I see what you did there.
  15. Leeesten very carefully.....I shall say zees only wernce.....Gorden Kaye eez dead.
  16. You wouldn't know Decs. Cos you weren't there, maan!
  17. I agree. The thick twats wouldn't even detect hidden cooking utensils hidden under a long skirt could they? Well they haven't so far.
  18. Donald Trump's got lot more than that. Would you?
  19. Careful Bubba, you don't want to get cancer.
  20. Telling people to fuck off gives you cancer as well.
  21. Fools and their money! I don't have sympathy because this was just stupidity on her part. Was he an African gentleman by any chance? Or am I being racist? Rick?
  22. Gaw bloimey stroike aloit Mery poopin's. Oil gets me broom and stick it up yer chimney poipe. That'll put a smoile on yer boat race and no mistake. Gaw bloimey alls of a sudden oives turned jewish. Oivay
  23. I really think the british government should issue an apology for Lily Allen. Similar to the one they issued for Phil Collins.
  24. I've just been given something to sedate me so I don't give a fuck. In a little while I won't be able to fucking type properly and the ward sister has told me she's taking my phone away and turning my light out. I wanna go 'ome
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