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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Isn't that from the book "Allahu ackbar Jeeves" by P G Wodehouse?
  2. After eating hospital food for a week, I unleashed a few dreadnoughts myself I can tell thee.
  3. Fuck off Eric. I enjoy my hobby of bi-plane wing walking.
  4. I'm not that fucking boring am I?
  5. Not as flat as my Yorkshire puddings. Given up on them.
  6. I should imagine the tiger's bones and teeth are being ground down for aphrodisiacs
  7. Who took the jam out of your doughnut tiger?
  8. Isn't she the one who totted up thousands on her expenses and still said she did nothing wrong? Unbelievable.
  9. Obviously they have no ammo as they didn't shoot the fucker.
  10. I think she's related to Charlie Chaplin
  11. Maybe Lenny Henry's going out there next year with some. Lucky for them they don't have electricity.
  12. Don't forget Prison cell block H. All those manly women locked up. I bet Neil has all the series on beetamax.
  13. So these remote African villages have DVD players then?
  14. I like you Dan. I really do, but that last paragraph was fucking hard work reading it because it wasn't 'pissed woman friendly'. I'll try and read it again in the morning when I'm sober. G'night.
  15. I thought the site had been blown up by a suicide bomber, but there was nothing on the news. Was there a break out from the cooler?
  16. I try not to run on beaches. I try not to run full stop
  17. One if the greatest actors. He's been battling cancer for years.
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