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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Keep 'em peeled! When I was a kid Police 5 was always on before the friday film at 10.30. And they use to have 'Junior police 5' aimed at kids on a saturday morning, where some kids had their raleigh choppers stolen. Thats when our caravan site got raided and all the villagers came for us.
  2. The arseholes on these cop reality shows do themselves no favour the way they treat motorists they pull over for either the slightest infringement or "a hunch"! Fucking nazis the lot of them
  3. I bet he had his jeans halfway down his legs like these plankton wear them. I guess it must be easy to bash them up. As they'll be to busy pulling them up when you steam into them.
  4. Never see a copper on the beat? Go to a random vehicle check and you'll see over 30 of the buggers standing there and then they do fuck all but just watch the handful of DVLA nazis interviewing innocent motorists! You can see where the met police's priorities lie!
  5. Maybe they should get that fat blonde woman off "Criminal Minds". They give her "who has a white van with a dent in the side in Seattle" she keys in (bish bosh bash) and viola "I have 3 with a dent in the side: One owner's dead; one owners in jail and one owners a convicted peadophile". Right thats the fucker, tool up we're on our way.
  6. Contact Westwood and get him and his crew around to pimp his mobility scooter when his out in the car.
  7. I think Gordon Brown has done a brilliant job for the YES lobby. I watched his performance earlier and if I was scottish and unsure what way to go I would definately vote for independance after watching him.
  8. Lorry drivers are cunts. Especially the ones that stare down at me when Im sat at lights. I mean haven't they seen a woman scratching her fanny for fucks sake!
  9. Follow the owner and see where he lives. Then sit back and dream up all the things you're going to do to make his life a fucking misery!
  10. "I think I'll follow dad into his plastering business"- Nick Leeson!
  11. Fuck it!!!! Ive just posted 2 topics the same. bollocks
  12. I usually have to do a bit of driving during the early part of the afternoon and like listening to the radio. Now I've given up on commercial radio because of too many adverts and too many prick DJs who like the sound of their own voices and also because tehir playlist usually run to the same bloody records everyday. So step up Radio2! Here is a station that has no adverts and can play more music per hour of a wide variety than any of the commercial stations. Unfortunately, this has now been ruined by this squirrel faced twat. He ruins his programme with interviewing non-entities about topics such as the NHS, the economy, politics blah, blah, blah Zzzzzzzzzzzz! After a decent record has been played we then hear his whiny voice bang on about some banal nonsense and then lo and behold, he has some boring bastard to talk about that topic. If the BBC (British Broadcasting Communists) want this sort of thing, shove it over to Radio 4 because thats what its there for and let a gal like me listen to some decent music that I can turn up loud to drown out the kids moaning
  13. He was probably beaten senseless when he approached a couple of black people with a chain and asked them if he'd seen his n****r who's just escaped.
  14. I don't think we should take the piss out of Gerry McCann. After all his dad did invent oven chips.
  15. "Whats all this fungi in the petrie dish? Mrs Brown go and fucking clean this dish. Thats what I pay you for for fuck sake"! -Alexander Fleming
  16. I'll remember that the next time I happen to be in the presence of a golliwog
  17. Never heard of her. But she does look like a horse
  18. Tangerine dream are more famous for film music aren't they?
  19. "I don't think I will take flying lessons thank you. I think I'll go shopping for shoes"! Amelia Earhart!
  20. I remember going to a Dr Feelgood gig back in the early 80's in some pub on Canvey Island. A bloke got up on stage to sing along and lead singer, the late great Lee Brilluex, headbutted the clown and pushed him off stage. Thats how you fucking handle that!
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