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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. We get a lot of Land rovers round here. The only time they're off road is when they're in the fucking driveway
  2. Thats the Arctic GC! Something tells me you're winding the beautiful gypsy girl up :-)
  3. Her poor young daughter has a form of myelitis that confines her to a wheelchair so cut her some slack.
  4. Bollocks to the little middle class turd. Im not going to the pub tonight; I'm going to spin class at the gym instead. Ruth Ellis
  5. Ho much does Cockney shampoo cost? Pantene!!!
  6. Okay I'll take a bullet for the rest of CC's: No polar bears or eskimos in the Antarctic. Seals however need blowing up, slimey little bastards
  7. Is there a North Ockenden or was south ockenden called that to make it sound like a nicer place.
  8. I much prefer he's other quote "What a fuss about an omelette"
  9. Your last sentence: It is more about land and possessions (IMHO) rather than religion itself. If it wasn't about religion, some cunt will wage war irregardless of whether the other tribe/person was a different religion or not.
  10. I believe in god. I do not make any apologies or excuses for it, neither do I preach my faith to anyone. Religiously I keep my faith to myself. I don't often go to church but I do pray. And if anybody calls me a cunt for it I'll rip their balls off. God bless you!
  11. This dress is going straight to the dry cleaners- Monica Lewinsky
  12. Also the germans wouldn't have been able to keep up the rocket programme because it was too costly and the fuel for these rockets were taking up over a third of the fuel alcohol production. The V2s psychological affect on britains population far outweighd its usefulness. Basically bombing some country from the air was far more affective.
  13. Luckily for us they had problems with 'airburst' so the majority of their early launches were total fuck-ups.
  14. Asshats! That made me laugh. I like it.
  15. We fucked their airforce so they could do jack shit to us. They could have tried after that but there would have been a lot of nazis at the bottom of the English channel. But sure what do I know!
  16. He sang with Wild Willie Barrett didn't he?
  17. When I was little I was scared of my brothers because they used to beat the shit out of me for a laugh. Then my granddad taught me how to box and I used to get beaten up even worse because I pissed them off even more by hurting them.
  18. Don't these things have a venom that can seriously harm you but they don't have the fangs to inject it?
  19. Every year we get to mid September and i always say "ooh been lucky ain't seen one of em daddy long legs thingys". Soon as i say it one of the little cunts gets into my bedroom when I'm reading before bedy byes. Then I'm having to chase the fucker round the bedroom ceiling with a rolled up copy of "Pikey monthly'.
  20. I specialised in being a human statue in the early 80s. My work was called 'poor little sleepy girl' and consisted of me lying face down in an alcoholic coma in peoples front rooms, gardens or just on the pavement.
  21. Great; Vine isn't on today because he was up allnight presenting the scottish referendum. They'll have wall to wall music on Radio2 this lunchtime. No such fucking luck. All they are going on about is the result and having a shitload of stuffed shirts talking about where scotland goes next. FFS!!!!!
  22. Wouldn't you be able to see that the bog roll is running low without this? Anyway; if you are in an emergency you can always use the calculator paper
  23. A few times when Im out and this has happened Ive had to 'drip dry'! Luckily never been caught short shitwise.
  24. I think Ming the Merciless is the worstest. He was a real cunt and no mistake.
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