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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Get a large envelope and post them to 129 Alice Street...............
  2. This is so fucking funny. I've got tears in my eyes. Thanks for cheering me up x
  3. Or the middle class fuckwits who tow their brood on a trailer in busy traffic with a silly fucking flag attached to make drivers aware. (apologies to any middle class fuckwits on here)
  4. Its the fucking idiots who have the saddle obviously to low for them which makes their knees stick out at right angles that make me laugh.
  5. Doubt if there are any gypsies on there. Stalin threw them all in the gulags.
  6. All my relatives were wiped out in the great Shitpeas Village bridge disaster when the wooden bridge gave way and all the caravans plummeted into the river Wanke and was swept away. I was the only survivor as I was having a wee behind a bush. You can't imagine what this did to the mind of a 5 year old. Some say it was this that got me on the drink. (Some, all or maybe none of the above may be true. Except the drink part)
  7. And what the fuck is bof?
  8. Not so much of the old.
  9. Je recois baise s'ennuyer avec ce
  10. Did he do 'Autumn leaves' as well?
  11. Its the wet ones that make you fall arse over tit that I hate
  12. Walking around with a screwdriver stuck in their neck would have been a good halloween costume
  13. Sounds like the muscular sphincter at the base of your Bishop is fucked
  14. Broney just uses a bag of jelly babies and "Do you wanna see my pony" line
  15. 9.45 there was a ring at the door. Opened it and there were 2 kids of around 6 and 7 years old and at the end at the gate were their parents grinning like fucking divs. I said that it was rather late and they told me that they had been at drama class and were very upset not to go out trick or treating. Oh and the mum was wearing a witches hat. Middle class fuckwits I have to put up with
  16. They're good in preventing Urinary tract infections
  17. I'll think I'll drive the big "fuck off" jeep with the huge "fuck off" bull-bars today- Marc Bolan 16/9/77
  18. Just keep those fucking eastern european gyppos out. They give us a bad name
  19. You have a way with words you silver tongued cavalier!
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