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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Judd Nelson's character wasn't middle class. That was the point about his diatribe towards the others, particularly the blonde girl.
  2. Is this an episode of 'Just a minute'? Are you Clement Freud?
  3. She's still alive. She's 109. Her dad told me.
  4. Good old aunty Vi. Always got nice prezzies from her.
  5. Reported: breach of copyright. You'll be hearing from my solicitor
  6. It's got to be better than the shit they produced during the 'Great leap forward'.
  7. There has been a an uproar over a photo of Hilary Duff going online, giving her child a peck on the lips with fucking idiots saying that it's, in no uncertain terms, Savilry. To add to this, on This Morning (it's my day off so bollocks ) this fucking do gooder decided to put her oar in and agree that parents shouldn't give their kids a peck on the lips because it can fuck them up psychologically. Hee reasoning is that when a peck is caught on camera, it looks like a romantic snog and sends out the wrong messages. So basically this is another fucking PC cretin who see's something that is not there. Discuss Ps: sorry I'm unable to upload photo of said cretin.
  8. The area where the krays lived is mainly Bangladeshis who would have a clue who the krays were.
  9. I know all the haunts of the Richardsons. My dad knew them both.
  10. The Richardsons from Camberwell made the Krays look like Ant and Dec.
  11. I was at a Wombles gig years ago when some kid threw a quality street at Uncle Bulgaria. Well it fucking kicked off then didn't it. Police had to use tear gas to qwell the aggro. I've still got Madam Cholet's head in the garden as a planter
  12. Gaw blimey strike a ligh' nah wot I mean me ole China turn i' in do wot? Danny Dyer pie 'n mash faakin' 'ell. Wanna buy sum lucky 'eather? get cha 'ands orf moi thrupennies or oil call a copper you Berkley 'unt. Arfur Smiffs a cunt.
  13. Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Dido's music is like Adele's; music to kill yourself by
  14. Better than that shite about a fucking ship sinking.
  15. I stopped a load of them in Oxford Street years ago and they told me to fuck off. That was the last time I tried to sell them lucky heather. Ervil LeBaron was a cunt.
  16. Further evidence of the erosion of free speech on this shit shower of a site.
  17. I give a fuck snatch. What was it about.?
  18. No wonder there's a shortage of sellotape.
  19. I'm sure at this moment in time she'll be traveling south on the northbound section of the M5.
  20. There's the Chinese Alex Higgins called Fuk Yoo Too.
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