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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. He did at the beginning. Because I made a comment about him repairing shopping trolleys. Now get out of my bedroom because I'm going to sleep. Fuck off
  2. You need to have a word with yourself Rick. Seriously. Because what you wrote there was really boring
  3. I'm sure the dialogue was pure fucking shakespeare.
  4. Jaywick sounds like a toilet cleaner "Hey Doris get some toilet cleaner when you're round Patels will ya"? "Toilet Duck"? "Nah, Get some Jaywick. It cleans the shit off the rim better".
  5. My cousin uses the head of her dead husband to prop her door open. THAT'S rock n roll
  6. Well I'm just off for an Eartha Kitt
  7. Won't work. I'm tanned. Is that racist?
  8. Don't blame it on the Jacksons. Blame it on the boogie.
  9. Roops does it all the time (allegedly)*. She's never had an album out. *Because I don't won't to be slopping out with Frank in the slammer.
  10. I wish it were Drew.
  11. He did die in it. Every episode he died. The makers of that series totally fucked it up. I've read all the books. Sharpe is from Wapping in London so a cockney. Paul Mccann was down to play him as a Londoner but broke his leg playing football on set so they had to get someone in quick because the insurance payout was fucking huge, so for some reason Beany was brought in. Because he can't do a decent London accent they kept his northern accent and had Sharpe coming from Yorkshire. So Bernard Cornwell had to fuck around with the character in his novels and have him being taken north as a kid. And the moral of this tale: football's for irons.
  12. Does he ran the 'ice cream' van with two large hyperdermic needles on the front that light up and has 'Mr Methy 'written on the side and 'Mind that crackhead' on the back?
  13. Looks like a nice line in patio furniture there.
  14. "Oh Miss Joooooooooones". That's my other Leonard Rossiter impression
  15. I watched 2001 once. Load of boring bollocks. "What are you doing Dave"? Shut up.
  16. There's a book I read a few years ago. I'll rack my brains to remember the name but it was about this man who was snatched by Muslim pirates when he was a boy. He was a captive for years and managed to escape. There was another man who escaped and years later when he was a captain in the navy, he went back to where he was held, anchored off the coast of a north African city and gave the ruler the ultimatum that all European slaves were to be liberated and sent to the harbour. If not he would redecorate his city. It worked.
  17. He was shit in Good Morning Vietnam
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