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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I think a line should be drawn under the whole sorry saga. Here they are talking about compo for IRA people but what about compo for that band who's bus was stopped by the IRA and the band members shot and killed? They were a talented band. Unlike fucking Five Star.
  2. Glad to see you've got Julian as your avatar. I watched "Dear Santa go fuck yourself" on boxing day.
  3. It's all bollocks snatch. It's all bollocks
  4. I'm down here in Elveden forest in Suffolk, getting back to nature and breaking bread with the local romanies here and I haven't seen one Christmas jumper and haven't heard one fucking christmas song at all. It's bliss.
  5. Even worse if the silly fuckers are wearing flashing foam reindeer antlers as well
  6. Why have you got that boozed up headcase Caroline Ahearne as you're avatar Pen?
  7. The same person who taught you how to write your name last week.
  8. Stop me from passing on the A11 on my way to a forest lodge in Suffolk where I've just came out of my private sauna and supping a glass of cote de rhone.
  9. Restaurant at the end of the universe was better IMO.
  10. I feel a bit queer! It may be me
  11. Liz Smith (nana from Royle Family ) dead at 95
  12. I'm not racist. My best friend knows a black man.
  13. I've got a tea towel with that on brought back by a friend from Alabama. Is it racist?
  14. Do you think he was careless with his whispa?
  15. Unbelievable this year. And still nearly a week left.
  16. I like Christmas pudding. Anyone who sets light to it is a cunt
  17. Have a very happy birthday DB. XX Now fuck off
  18. I meant to say "cunts" but I'm a lady
  19. Me and my clan have been on a country walk to work off the 7000+ calories per person demolished in the viking cunt festival of Christmas dinner. Now back in the manor house preparing for a Christmas tea. Personally I can't wait to spend boxing day wearing pj's, eating choc, drinking wine and watching darts and lovejoy. Oh and conversing with a bunch of bastards on line
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