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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. camberwell gypsy


    Well, there's enough of them on here
  2. Maybe we should burn the whole site down
  3. If he is sent to the cooler it will be total bollocks.
  4. This is exactly how nazi Germany started.
  5. Maybe you should congratulate the driver on his virility
  6. Oh yeah. One tiny shred of Irish in their background and that's enough. I knew someone who had a great great grandfather who was Irish and that was enough to have them scrambling for an Irish passport. One of my grand parents was from Mayo but you don't see me doing an Irish jig or talking like one, so I don't. Oh shit!!!!
  7. It's when the pseudo oirishman says "I go for the craic"! Fecking...sorry...fucking idiots so they are.
  8. You leave my fellow gyppo alone you!
  9. She's fucking dying anyway.
  10. I was born on the wagon of a travelling show my mamma would dance for the money they'd throw etc etc
  11. Oi!!!!!!..........Oi!!!!!......down in de street dere is violence and a lot of work to be done, nowhere to hang out de washing..der der der dum dum dum de de dum, good God I'm gonna rock on to Electric avenue........ I thank you
  12. Alan Sugarcube must fucking love it when people toady up to him "Yes Lord Sugar, no Lord Sugar, can I kiss your arse Lord Sugar?" Crawling wankers
  13. You'd be the only civilian to win a VC.
  14. '......he's now living down south somewhere in a caravan'. Don't fucking look at me. He's not with me
  15. Yes Jacko, I'm looking forward to receiving it. I've been racking my brains what to give our local Rabbi for his birthday next week but it's sorted now. Many thanks
  16. The Queen (gawd bless 'er (curtsies)) tried to bestow me the title Baroness Camberwell but I turned it down. It's Duchess or nothing with me.
  17. Left your fags down the pub? I'm sure Punkers and his friend would have found their way home
  18. Next you'll be saying my Crystal ball is a load of shit and my tea leave reading.
  19. I remember Roland Rivron and his 'Mystic Malcolm' persona. He started his show with "Is there anyone in the audience whos lost a relative in the last 150 years"?
  20. I think it's an excuse to throw money at some shit hole to get the place done up. Doesn't help that when a famous resident is mentioned it's John Prescot. The only other famous people from Hull is The Housemartins. And not all of them were from there either
  21. I used to read viz when it was still available only in the North East. We had a gas man (anaesthetist) who was from Newcastle who had them sent to him. He always gave them to me after he'd read them.
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