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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. You know the saying "history is written by the victors".
  2. It was an american invention actually. In 1838 they stuck native americans in them. The Spanish used them in Cuba in the 1890s and the yanks used them again in the Phillipines.
  3. If you mean places like India, you'll find that the natives were doing most of that themselves. I'm not apologising for Britain but they used the fissures in their colonies to their advantage
  4. Shame Mrs Christie didn't have something like that in her kitchen. It would have caught her bald little shit of a husband knocking off and screwing (in that order) those women he lured into their Rillington Place shit hole. Mind you, the police were so shit, they'd have still fucked things up.
  5. Not nowhere near as what the nazi did.
  6. My mum had bigger biceps. Smaller moustache as well.
  7. Most DJs are like that. The only ones I've really liked are John Peel and Tommy Vance.
  8. Why have you got my great grandmother as your avatar?
  9. Pissing in the font, pissing in the font, we'll all come rejoicing pissing in the font. Hallelujah praise the lord.
  10. Yeah but when the right gets in in Germany shitty things happen
  11. What worries me is that there may be a few 'sieg heiling' bastards winning seats.
  12. Apparently black people can't be racist. Someone on a BBC chat show said it. And nobody amongst the white participants disagreed.
  13. But their sitcoms are hilariously funny: Mrs Brown's Boys, Citizen Khan, Casualty. I mean come on eh?
  14. Is it what Vic Reeves says in that hilarious comedy show Shooting Stars?
  15. Isn't she the black woman from Star Trek?
  16. In your profession! What, are you a grave robber?
  17. I don't think for one second that Neil was suspecting your mum of the theft. And I don't work at Bournemouth Hospital so it weren't me.
  18. Nope. I'm going to a christening on Sunday. Out on Saturday to buy a nice dress for it.
  19. Who's gonna sue: the fucking dolly?
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