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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Actually there should be a part that makes them give their kids stupid names
  2. As found in most middle class heads.
  3. Isn't that what you dial in America when you're being murdered?
  4. What like Cathrine Zeta Jones?
  5. Isn't it an "Immortal"?
  6. I don't know where Rick lives
  7. Jesus christ! It's like reading one of Ricks posts. Up your game Eric for fuck sake.
  8. Apparently my grandmother had some jewish in her.
  9. Never heard of her. Is she a MP?
  10. For fucks sake Hokey, I had to stand on my head to read that. Fell over, smashed my foot and now I've got a headache.
  11. So what's your excuse then Rick?
  12. Good idea. The Dr played by Idris Elbow calling the master a "Blaard claart" would be great.
  13. Wouldn't mind a go with that sonic screwdriver.
  14. Isn't that from the book "Allahu ackbar Jeeves" by P G Wodehouse?
  15. After eating hospital food for a week, I unleashed a few dreadnoughts myself I can tell thee.
  16. Fuck off Eric. I enjoy my hobby of bi-plane wing walking.
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