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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. This is the early tests carried out by Barnes Wallace on the dambuster mission. They ended up using bouncing bombs as they couldn't find enough volunteer puffins.
  2. No no don't send him to the cooler! I'll miss him. Boo hoo!
  3. I'll visit you and I'll bring a file with a cake in it. I think!
  4. Fuck football. It's for poofs, irons and the mentally feeble. Rugby league. That's the fucking game played by real men. Castleford Tiger's for the premiership
  5. French soldiers in Paris Last Tango in Paris
  6. Are you still a manager at SCOPE?
  7. Oooh boys boys stop this cussing y'all. Aah do declare y'all making li'le ole me mighty upset now ya hear?
  8. Ian McShane was great in Lovejoy. Very smooth and sexy.
  9. I don't care what happens when I go. Just shove me in the nearest hole, thats good enough for the likes of me.
  10. Punkers always orders cream of sum yung guy when he's in a Chinese. At least I think that's how it's spelt.
  11. That's it. I've exhausted my knowledge of Carpenter's tunes. I'm off for a Jambalaya
  12. Careful, I don't wanna get Close To You.
  13. I was thinking about this Only Yesterday.
  14. The sickest one I've seen had a hand coming out of a grave holding a fork. On the headstone it had Karen Carpenter's name and underneath it said 'Karen Carpenter's back. And she's hungry as hell'!
  15. My aunt used to give me lard sarnies when I was a nipper.
  16. Do they have a TV in the cooler? That's where you'll be when Rick or Irma Grese of the corner see this.
  17. So what are you saying Eddie?
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