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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Kill himself mortally? Is that opposed to killing himself imortally?
  2. Blair Peach came a cropper by a police truncheon as well.
  3. Never heard of her* *Dedicated to Bubba C. xxxxx
  4. I've got a box of Cluedo.
  5. What you get with a good looking older woman ( pause here for compliments) is a lady who is attentive and won't have her nose buried in her mobile with that silly, belming look on her fucking face that you get with these young whipper snappers most of the night. And you probably won't need the rohypnol (Frank) to get a your leg over.
  6. You've done it now. Neil's warming up his wrist and getting the kleenex ready
  7. I agree. You could stick a railway sleeper in a dress and wig and it would give more dynamic performances.
  8. Well Timmy got off fucking lightly didn't he?
  9. Never been to Swansea. Probably never will
  10. You obviously didn't see his Henry V at the Chichester Festival did you? Mesmerising! "You want some? You want some ya French caaants! Fire those faaaaking arrahs at 'em forsooth".
  11. That's Gayle from Coronation Street isn't it?
  12. Dunno. I live at number 35.
  13. Fuck off? Fuck off? You can't do better than 'fuck off'? You jug eared old cunt
  14. Nah. Crap response Decs. Look at bubba's and learn from it.
  15. Original. I'll give you that.
  16. Admin do your job and stop all this nonsense. Fucking amateurs
  17. Is there any chance of getting this fucking thread back on topic? Every bloody thread descends into schoolboy abuse.
  18. Something must be wrong with him. Why in the name of God would you want to go back up and spend months in a fucking space station? I spent 6 weeks in a police cell and that sent me round the bend.
  19. Well done welshie, you've been on here 5 minutes and already you've derailed a thread. Way to go love!
  20. I reckon Prof Stephen Hawkeye should vary his voice box. Physics bores me rigid but hearing him explain the big bang theory in a Geordie accent would at least make me laugh.
  21. I always have the "three S's (like to keep my legs nice and smooth) splash of givency behind the ear, ribbon in the hair and a nice dress. I'm still waiting for the invasion
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