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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Coming from Irish stock I do find that funny. To be sure
  2. Fuck off Captain Bird's-eye Or is it Captain jap's-eye?
  3. The country and western singer Whalen Jennings. Fat gobshite James Whale. Veteran DJ Jo Whaley! I'll get me Sou'wester
  4. I've got one of those bastards gathering dust on top of the wardrobe. Its the one with the glasses and tie. Got it because I got my car insured through the market.com. kept getting texts telling me where the fucking idiot was on his way to me. Got on my nerves. Tossed the little cunt on to the wardrobe as soon as it arrived. Might give it to the dogs to chew.
  5. Why aren't they any good at rowing then?
  6. You evil evil fucker. Shame on you. Wales????? Evil fucker
  7. The poor cow already lives with that cunt Guy Ritchie without having to make her life even more miserable
  8. Is that the notorious chicago gangster Tony "little legs" Visconti?
  9. Frank hasn't been seen for a while. You don't think. .............nah. Can't be can it?
  10. He's wife is a bit of a scallywag so I understand
  11. There's a south London walk used by the Ali Gs of the area. It's a sort of limp (apparently called 'bouncing') that has the cunt slightly stooped at the waist. Also wearing the usual back to front baseball cap or burberry sun visor that is not only back to front but upside down thus making the cunts silhouette look like a fucking milk jug.
  12. Ah I know. It's Roops, Gobbler and Pen standing next to a mirror.
  13. Imagine their surprise when they all turned up to the party dressed as Stevie Nicks!
  14. That would be the police investigating themselves. That won't work
  15. They should have a public enquiry.
  16. I'm sure there are many out there who will champion their human rights.
  17. Scaling down drainpipes carrying lead certainly firms the old thighs
  18. I still look good in a skirt or dress that's above the knee because my legs still look good. Years of scaling church roofs for lead has paid off.* *Thought I'd get it in before someone else does.
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