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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I don't think I have. But then again my memory is not as good as it was before my stroke so I may have.
  2. Apparently his dad, Lionel, is a Brexiteer. "Britain needs to leave the EU as I believe Britain will prosper trading outside of the market restraints that are in place at the moment" he said as he Samba'd across the floor to a Brazilian bossanova.
  3. I'm sure a few inmates of the CC Cooler can do some artwork of their own on the cell walls, Maze prison stylee.
  4. If any one of us had taken a picture of a spud and try to flog for a million, we'd be told to fuck off, but someone with a name and it's different then.
  5. What, 3 old cunts falling over themselves every week and getting a hard on for some old woman in wrinkly stockings? Oh yeah it's cutting edge is that!
  6. At 72 years of age??? I'm impressed.
  7. NO! It's for poofs and irons! Get it right for christ sake
  8. Because Bradford don't have many white faces? Is that racist?
  9. What's with the photo of Barbara Windsor?
  10. I find it difficult to grasp why the fuck Last of the Summer Wine lasted for so long? The episodes I've seen have been about as funny as sepsis.
  11. If you're driving through Bradford that turd is gonna go dry. Is that racist?
  12. The most annoying thing about the programme was Karen's greasy piece of hair hanging over her face.
  13. My great grandmother had dementia. Some say she got it through headbutting horses to get them in line. But there are those that say she earned a living wrestling sailors on shore leave and her finishing move was the headbut to the nose.
  14. And all that went on up her cunny? Respect sister, respect!
  15. Is that where all those school girls went up and never came back down? And it's 'Uterus' not Ularu.
  16. That maybe so but on the downside you have that fucking bint Collette Mann. Is she still acting the retard on aussie tv?
  17. Rochdale Kidfuckers- are they an ice hockey team?
  18. No because the McCann's didn't set up the abduction.
  19. camberwell gypsy


    Oh it's a typo!!! I thought it was a genuine concept. There's me fucking googling it and finding complete bollocks. Thanks eavensabove, just wasted 2 minutes out of my busy schedule.
  20. You sure it's an anus? I think it's Frankie Howard saying "Ooooh titter ye not".
  21. I accidentally disabled it. But there was a problem before that. Members were obviously not receiving my messages. I sent one to myself and didn't receive it. So asked Roops to sort it.
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