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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. I'm sure you've had a pop at gypsies as well.
  2. Execute him. Off with his head. Ignite his curlies! Make an example of him.
  3. Did he end up on top of the building opposite? Because of he did he'd be 'Fiddler on the roof'. Diddlediddledidlediddlediddledum
  4. Can somebody tell me who this spiv lookalike is? Is he a footballist?
  5. There's a few dopeys if that's any use?
  6. Don't want to say. Could land myself with a little holiday.
  7. Er.......I believe they're talking about watches Rick
  8. If you wore barbour at a Castleford home game, you'd get the shit kicked out of you and relieved of the said garment
  9. Maybe joining up brought him out of his shell.
  10. Neil's probably working his way through Seven Sisters
  11. That was a shi'it' joke. I'll get me burkha
  12. I didn't realise the kurdish militia had a catering Corp
  13. I love tasting wine. It's the reason most of the early 80's are just a fucking blur to me.
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