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camberwell gypsy

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Everything posted by camberwell gypsy

  1. Hope you enjoy all the political bullshit and "I liked to thank........" crap that some of these cunts spout when they accept their trophy, that most of the time they don't deserve anyway. When De Niro in Raging Bull beat John Hurt in Elephant Man for best actor in 1980 I realised the whole fucking thing is fixed anyway.
  2. That's just great man. That's just great. What the fuck are we gonna do now man? What we gonna do?
  3. Fascinating. You must come on here more often. FFS
  4. What's happened to him now?
  5. I agree there snatch. It's surprising how many utter cunts on tv have good radio shows. Dermot O'leary and Craig (him off that unfunny shite Red Dwarf) to name two.
  6. Maybe I'll slit your fucking throat from east to west you dog fucking little twat
  7. When they started pushing the house prices beyond the reach of the working classes
  8. I'm just going to the toilet to look at this....er....the light is better in there.
  9. Is that 70s 'man about the house' pre stroke Richard O'Sullivan on the left? Looks like him
  10. It's those who wear those long wax coats in urban areas that are cunts. Especially when they wear those ridiculous wide brimmed hats as well. Can anybody post a picture of a dishy man wearing a wax jacket preferably with a shotgun as well? I'm a bit down today and need cheering up.
  11. I was gonna say something about earning dough but that's just getting stupid.
  12. Man has to earn a crust
  13. Just watched a report on the news and rushed on here to nom it but you've beaten me to it. I would have titled mine "lessons have been learned". Some schmuck at Birmingham council said that improvements have been made and were in place before this child's death (unless I misheard him) so if that's true then they obviously haven't fucking worked.
  14. There is a certain grace about him.
  15. I believe he's started a sponsorship war between Burger King and Greggs.
  16. Maybe the person who devised the programme was visited by them in his drunken days
  17. The Haahoos used to visit me when I was drifting into unconsciousness on Pernod in the old days. Ah lovely Haahoos The Pontipines are a bunch of cunts though
  18. What's the North, East and west downs like?
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