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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Eh? I responded to your post in roughly the same time as you answered mine but never mind,. In answer to your question, because you did not factor in proportionality (i.e. population size) into the equation which rendered your reasoning faulty hence the incorrect analysis. I guarantee you merely found a headline that suited your argument but did not pay attention to the article's narrative and weighted the results. Originally you were careless, but your pride is now making you look dishonest. My mistake was thinking that my original point of order was obvious but I now realise that I should've addressed you as if I was talking to a child. Or President Trump.
  2. Actually, I did... Your use of links had statistics from countries that were not similar which rendered your assertion impotent and wholly without merit. Your reaction since has been to conflate and deflect. Your post merely catalogued what you should have done before reaching a deductive conclusion which turned out to be erroneous. Your use of the links was designed to be misleading.
  3. You seem to have a very short memory.. Your argument reached an erroneous conclusion due to an error in reasoning from data that would otherwise contradict your assertion.
  4. Your inability to differentiate between the metaphorical and the literal hardly puts you in a position to call anyone "stupid". Your knickers are so twisted they resemble a frayed piece of twine - anyway, where are our servers hosted?
  5. Think of it as a free spinning propeller.
  6. Of course, let it not be said that I'm unsympathetic to newbies. He's got 48 hours of quiet reflection to assist his learning of the true ways.
  7. There will always be chancers who try and push the envelope. As for @Pete, the words Icarus and sun spring to mind.
  8. What part of "there is no wriggle room on this" did you not understand?
  9. I was thinking where Aunt Irma visits.
  10. Uh-huh, pride dented or is it the McClintock Effect?
  11. Sounds like you're butt-hurt at a little girly kicking your sorry ass.
  12. It better be a Sandals resort (not Jamaica) with a flight upgrade...
  13. Nothing wrong with "the facts", just your deductive analysis.
  14. Faced with that logic, I guess we'd better dispense with the rules then, of course the site will either implode or be closed down within 30 days - guaranteed.
  15. Calm down, the rule has been in existence for a number of years, the only difference is that it's now listed.
  16. I think people are being a little snobbish about "inclusive package deals". Sure, the Magaluf type of all "you can eat and drink" hotels are best avoided, but there are some very exclusive resorts that make such deals quite attractive if the holiday is based at an isolated holiday complex away from the nearest urbanisation - great if one is looking only for a beach holiday. Ten days at the Le Saint Geran, Mauritius was exceedingly relaxed and delightful.
  17. That's £200 million in addition to the £950 million rescue package already on the table. In its present form Thomas Cook was not a viable business. The firm had posted a £1.5 billion loss and was billions in debt. The majority stake in Cooks was listed on the German stock exchange with a substantial share held by the Chinese. The British Taxpayer is not in the business of propping up foreign firms nor investors.
  18. The good judge maybe a perennial celebrant of victimhood whilst at the same time telling everyone else, "its only a website" but he has not "snitched" on anyone to the Admins. The rules have been amended to deal with noncing accusations. The rule is there because such accusations are cheap, nasty and are not worth the resulting fall-out. When the site was more relaxed about insults, given the lack of originality of punters who are only capable of recycling well-worn point-scoring forum clichés it was approaching the point where every third post included a noncing quip.
  19. ATOL licenced tour operators who are required to lodge an insurance bond which pays for compensation and CAA administered repatriation of stranded travellers.
  20. Hardly worthless. All UK package holidays have to be ATOL protected, unlike flight-only travel.
  21. Mrs Roops

    Site Rules

    Regrettably, I have added an additional rule, this time with regards to accusing members of paedophilia. Until now this has been an ongoing directive but people still don't seem to get the message. There is no wriggle room on this so protesting "it was just a light hearted comment and obviously not to be taken seriously" is not an acceptable defence.
  22. Weasel words with added misogynistic condescension thrown in. I'll leave to others to decide as to whether you were deliberately misleading or simply careless with the actualite.
  23. Whilst it is not relevant, it was you who inferred that deaths by cricket and baseball were worldwide figures which led to you making a wholly erroneous analysis. I may be a statistics nerd but I'm not sad enough to accede to your request.
  24. Point of order, closer examination of your evidence reveals that the 174 deaths by cricket balls relate to Australia only compared to the 850 baseball deaths in the USA, a country 13.8 times larger by population.
  25. Let it not be said that The Corner is not at the cutting edge of satire. This cartoon has appeared in today's issue of Private Eye. Remember folks, if it doesn't appear on The Corner first, then it aint worth jack.
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