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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. This would be professor James Watson. He did not have his Nobel prize taken away. He did lose many honorary titles though. He got himself into hot water from expressing personal opinions on IQ tests taken by army recruits during WW I.
  2. The problem for Sabisky is that it's essential for all components within the pinnacle of government to sing from the same hymn sheet. Sabisky's "solution" would have created more problems than solve them.
  3. Firstly, what he said, On a totally unconnected note, its not often that Decs and I agree on anything! I didn't say "any art is art" I refuted your assertion that true art is a simulation of beauty, furthermore I said art is whatever gives the artist satisfaction and qualified that by saying it was up to the individual to decide whether or not to register an appreciation of the work. What you said was this, aside from a totally exaggerated assessment that was a masterclass of the Four D's - Dismiss, Distort, Distract & Dismay. Your comments overall did not mention racial subjugation, however history shows that when used they are a precursor to justifying an extreme action. Your example of the "Tory Kid" who was fired is a case in point. If it was a "tory kid" then as a statement by itself he should have been left alone as he was exercising his right to free speech. In fact the "tory kid" was Andrew Sabisky, a No 10 policy advisor who was advocating enforced long term contraception to certain demographics at the onset of puberty. As an unelected government SpAd he had to go.
  4. What? You are Anders Breivik and I claim my 5 Krone. Seriously though, supremacist ideology when put into practice has not worked well for anyone so yes, the political thinking behind Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa and to some extent the segregation laws of the USA are and have been thoroughly discredited. One race subjugating another is not defensible. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised on your views on music and art - classical music is more complex, therefor I am and anything other than figurative art is not art. Maybe you're not Anders Breivik after all, but you are Disgusted from Tunbridge Wells and I claim my five Guineas. Art and music and the appreciation thereof is highly subjective. While you may take an elitist view to music it should be noted that classical music, together with the Avant Garde and a few obscure folk troupe performances survives only through state grants paid for by the masses whether they like it or not. Popular music is left to its own devices and thrives because its er… popular thanks largely to African influences. Its not too clear why you think "true art is a simulation of beauty". Surely art is what the artist creates for his own satisfaction. The viewer is then free to choose to like or dislike the artist's work. Above all, a piece of art tells a story as seen through the artist's eyes and his interpretation.
  5. Hmm...bongos...which reminds me, modern popular music is heavily influenced by black African music. Importing slaves laid the foundation of soul, rhythm and blues, jazz etc. As for art, I would say the Africans were producing abstract art long before the likes of Picasso and Henry Moore were touting their wares. Lets not forget that our British forefathers were smearing woad on their bodies in between scrapping with other tribes whilst other civilisations had mastered maths, engineering, astronomy and some form of democracy for a couple of millennia. In fact it took a bunch of organised Italians to knock some sense of order into this sceptred isle of ours. Interestingly, it's considered that western Europe's Age of Enlightenment commenced as late as the seventeenth century, long after eastern civilisations.
  6. As I intimated earlier, wokeness, political correctness and gender politics have been taken to ridiculous levels. Things will only be restored to an even keel by measured debate. Spewing out discredited supremacist ideology only serves to provide ammunition to extremist advocates of the BAME cause.
  7. What you on about? Good to see you haven't lost your sense of perspective.
  8. No, but it did confirm your abject stupidity and bigotry.
  9. "Shit" being the operative word. Either you're telling porkies or a boiler-room salesperson saw you coming. Beecham's was delisted more than thirty years ago and is now a brand name owned by GlaxoSmithKiline. Spooky fact: In its heyday Beecham's owned Corona.
  10. It's not the first time that I've had to read such errant supremacist nonsense on The Corner and no doubt it won't be the last, unless of course you're deliberately trolling for a reaction...
  11. That figures as there's not much that you don't get wrong despite you previously declaring yourself to be "a clever cunt". By the way it, would be a good idea if you knew what wokefulness is. Wokefulnes is the backlash to bigotry and prejudice, the irony being is that people like you are the cause of it. "Woke" awareness has probably gone too extreme as anyone with a perceived sense of social injustice has appropriated the concept to ridiculous ends, so thanks for that.
  12. You seem to be devoid of facts yourself. Which "major climate organisations" are you referring to?
  13. With both wings of the political spectrum accusing The BBC of bias towards the other side, one can be fairly sure the broadcaster is trying to be as even-handed as possible. But yes, with charter renewal looming the corporation seem to be stepping up a gear. That said, the new Director General really, really needs to do something about the bloated management structure and to temper the wokeness that seems rife in all facets of the BBC's operation.
  14. I dunno, The BBC have been reporting on it extensively, fairly balanced IMO. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/51357589 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-51014048
  15. Not sure you understand the difference between hearsay and witness testimony, which was tested in court. As for the Salmond case, we'll have to wait and see what transpires.
  16. Mrs Roops

    The Chinese

    The "48%" weren't traitors, just voters who were entitled to vote Remain. I'm sure they voted honourably and with the best of intentions. The traitors were the band of people within politics and the media who conspired the frustrate the will of the majority and they nearly got away with it.
  17. It would be interesting to see the source of your fake science - got any links to back up your assertions?
  18. I've had a read of her take on the recent report on knife crime submitted by the Youth Select Committee of which she chairs. There's the usual spiel about lack of youth services, criticism of police stop and search, promulgating awareness of rights etc but interestingly she complains about the lack of "relatable role models". In effect she's putting equal blame on black male culture especially the fathers who bugger off once they have impregnated whichever impressionable female they've coerced/beguiled into spreading her legs.
  19. They're listed as a charity, so in effect they are probably funded by The Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport as well as other local govt youth networks. My youngest daughter who is flaxen haired, blue eyed and very white is a degree qualified "youth worker". Aside from a fast brain and exceedingly sharp elbows she is, despite her tender years, a manager of a residential home for emotionally disturbed teenagers which is owned by a youth charity funded by central govt. Prior to that, she worked at a privately owned (for profit) secure unit that worked with child sex offenders. That's offenders, not victims. Some were less than ten years old. The point here is that with both institutions she spends/spent an inordinate amount of time pitching for funding. The issue is that in the old days she would be directly employed by the state. Fast forward to the present we now have a situation where money which would otherwise go to staff who actually roll up their sleeves and get stuck in is now siphoned off by additional layers of commercial interests (i.e. profit) lobbyists, fund raisers, administrators, publicists and single cause pressure group bods.
  20. Well now, plenty of corporate ego fluffing involved, as well as smoothing ruffled feathers, otherwise kicking butt, asking awkward questions and being a general pain in the arse.
  21. I don't think this is Stickers. There is an alternative match but in the finest traditions of the Jeremy Kyle Show, the digital DNA result is not conclusive. That said, @Monaco Slim, welcome to the Mod Q, where you'll stay until we're satisfied that you can use the site responsibly. Please read the rules and take time to understand The Corner's vibe.
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