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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Well, I'm grateful that you haven't mentioned "thinking out of the box" but all you've done thus far is to say "I know something" whilst knowingly tap the side of your nose. So, tell us what do you professionally research and precisely what anomalies have you stumbled upon?
  2. Not at all. Before you joined The Corner I passionately argued for Brexit despite the "experts" solemn warnings of economic Armageddon. My case for leaving the EU was underpinned by economic, fiscal and commercial arguments as well as my concern for the individual democratic rights of man as well as a nation's right to self-determination. As for climate change and covid-19 issues my opinions are based on known scientific knowledge and dare I say it, logical process. I am aware of both majority and minority scientific arguments made not only on but also beyond mainstream media.
  3. I suppose the country should be grateful that for the next three weeks people like yourself are no longer able to spout unmitigated nonsense whilst propping up the bar. The entire OP is a pile of cack but for the sake of brevity I'll just comment on three points. 1/ The common cold and many other viruses are contagious before symptoms show. Some people are known to be carriers without showing any symptoms at all. 2/ No one is sure why Italy and Spain have a higher incidence of Covid-19 compared to the rest of Europe. One theory is that families are larger and more closely-knit than the traditional nuclear model of say, the UK. 3/ You never did say how your recently purchased Beechams shares have performed. You need interrogating to establish how a financial genius who professed to be a "clever cunt" was persuaded to purchase non-existent shares. People like you are a menace. Banging on about suicide and cancer rates is an exercise in false equivalency. Covid-19 is has a death ratio of 3% compared to seasonal flu's ratio of 0.1%, it also has a frightening ability to transmit from person to person. Figures vary from day to day as data is continually collated and analysed but transmission rates known so far suggest that covid-19 is three times more contagious than seasonal flu. I suggest you should self-isolate more than six feet away from any keyboard or hand-held device.
  4. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    What tirade? Judgetwi was a model of rectitude. Be grateful that you and another wasn't thrown into the pokey together with Decs. Even now you are this >< close to joining him with your rule 7 violations. Cut it out please.
  5. ...and people still need to be married, buried etc. They also provide pastoral care where needed.
  6. Mrs Roops

    The Chinese

    You seem to have the mediocrity massive clucking around you in response to your overemotional outburst. Honestly, what did you expect after your vituperative replies made from the outset? Toughen up.
  7. Mrs Roops

    The Chinese

    The only comment I gave about your post was that it "didn't disappoint" so I'm not to clear what I misinterpreted. If however you want me to rip it apart then just say so and I'll do just that.
  8. Mrs Roops

    The Chinese

    Well, I did ask that tin hatters fill their boots @Wolfie, and you didn't disappoint For now, I'm going with the view that the contamination is accidental; firstly it makes no sense for a belligerent to knacker their own economy and also reduce demand for its own exports. Secondly, as a weapon of mass destruction its fairly insipid in the grand scheme of things. Thirdly, this would be a weapon that is difficult to control as covid-19 is an RNA type L virus which has the potential to mutate (though there is little evidence of that so far). Stockpiling antidotes has a short term value as the vaccine will have little or no efficacy on mutations.
  9. Mrs Roops

    Layla Moran MP

    She does have a rather plummy voice but its her pet hen Chickaletta that grates with me.
  10. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Yes, the usual lame excuse...pity the course of past events doesn't back you up.
  11. Mrs Roops

    Layla Moran MP

    Ah, Paw Patrol, the bane of my life - think low rent Thunderbirds piloted by er... puppies.
  12. Mrs Roops

    The Chinese

    Just to get the people who love a good conspiracy in a tizzy, punters should know that China's National Biosafety laboratory is located within the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It also appears that a certain Major General Chen Wei, accompanied by military scientists, visited the institute last January. To add to the intrigue, Maj-Gen Wei (pictured below) is a bio-weapons expert. Cooler heads are suggesting that she was called in to deal with an accidental contamination leak at the institute which was studying bat coronaviruses. Fill your boots...
  13. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    I 'spose anyone who can clean their teeth would seem impressive...
  14. It indicates I might be on the blob, some punters think permanently. All the more reason to raise the bar then.
  15. Never mind that, please take on board advice previously given to you.
  16. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Jeez, oestrogen and emoji overload doesn't even begin to describe your state of mind. Snap out it, fella - "Mrs Roops this...Mrs Roops that" is all we've been hearing from you of late. You're behaving like a blubbing actress who can't take what you dish out. Sheesh.
  17. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    I've never had much time for minnows who resort to spelling and grammar Nazism as its a good indication that their argument is so weak they have to scape the barrel for incidental point-scoring. It's a grammatical error and even that's moot. As for statistics, bullshit or otherwise, none is needed as all evidence has been provided by your good self from your own previous statements which have been contradictory at best and hypocritical at worst. Still, on the bright side you appear to have earned an admirer in the form of little King Billy who has been hurting badly of late and seems to be in a state of perpetual sulking as evidenced by his hiding behind a joint of roasted meat the other day. Apparently his action was a "no brainer" which in the light of recent events was probably not the ideal choice of words to use.
  18. I've already preempted that two days ago by culling forty non-productive accounts including a couple of lurkers. Be assured the health and safety of the puntership is foremost in our minds consequently we're taking a proactive approach to mitigating the effects of covid-19. More controversially we are now looking at identifying the feeble minded punters for possible eradication. Punters should be reassured that we have recalled Ding to head up an ethics committee to advise us on acceptable protocols.
  19. Welcome to the site, whatever you are calling yourself for the current five minutes. I've had to migrate most of your noms to "The Open Corner" for no other reason than being a pile of pony. This nom just about scrapes through though you do have to be less lazy and provide some narrative in future. Please take time to peruse the site and understand what we are about otherwise you won't last long.
  20. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Typical yet sickening crypto-bourgeoisie comment from you. "Do as I say, not as I do".
  21. This wasn't found on an "NHS official website". It was a blog article submitted to Public Health England by a public information officer who looks suspiciously trans. Furthermore the headline specifically says "Ensuring Pregnant Trans Men Get Equal Quality Care". @White Cunt does pose a valid question and this does deserve an answer other than the weak response you've provided which dances around the issue. Hey, look, @King Billy, you're amongst friends here. That you're a bit stupid is a given and that's fine as The Corner is a broad church after all. Everyone has their own secret niche perversions but if your particular bent is pregnant trans porn then just come clean. --o0o-- On a more serious note, the current concerns of Covid-19 the raises the question of allocating scarce public resources to education and information to minorities - information that could easily be provided by the plethora of LGBT charities and pressure groups rather than govt executive agencies. Furthermore since sexuality and gender is often confused its disappointing to see health professionals making the same errors as the clinically misinformed. One can't help thinking that information overload on trans and genderism identification is inadvertently empowering rather than helping individuals suffering from mental health issues...
  22. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Quit the snivelling ya little pratt. I don't care.
  23. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    Once the site's critical mass looks stable in the long term, then we'll look at releasing the more toxic punters back into the site.
  24. Mrs Roops

    Wong flu -Id19

    ...except it was you who initially inferred intellectual superiority by questioning my faculties. Stick to tree rustling 'cos you're shite at everything else.
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