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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Your advice will be treated with the respect it deserves.
  2. A bit more working from home and unable to attend the usual Saturday night haunts.
  3. Not exactly stuck in the house killer...You shouldn't be so churlish either, most punters here regale personal anecdotes and stories (especially if it involves violence and fucking beautiful women). Your problem may be you don't have much of a story to tell on account of living a nondescript life aside from displaying so-so art and creating sock-puppets to alleviate the tediousness of your situation. You even misappropriated a teenage girl-friend's photo and pretended to be her.
  4. I can't be arsed to look it up but as I recall the death ratio for coronavirus patients over 85 is 15% so your golfing buddy's father situation is not unusual.
  5. It may also surprise you that I have been arrested three times, been fingerprinted DNA'd, mugshotted and spent two separate nights in the cells on account of my fox-hunting sabbing activities. Long story short, no charges pressed on account of a pit-bull of a lawyer and calmer heads prevailing in the CPS. However, I do like money and lots of it but I am a one-nation tory and believe capitalism has its place but it does have to act in a socially responsible manner.
  6. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/zelenko-669-coronavirus-patients/
  7. Away from the globalist virtue signalling the ONS have released the latest figures only a few hours ago. The Covid-19 fatality rate has now exceeded 5% which makes the coronavirus fifty times more lethal than seasonal flu. The ONS also noted that for the week ending 23/3/20 coronavirus accounted for 1% for all deaths recorded in the UK, a disease that wasn't in the public consciousness at the start of the year.
  8. Google says you're trying too hard, so quit yer babbling.
  9. I would believe you more if you said night doesn't follow day.
  10. Precisely, and therein lies part of the problem...
  11. Stick to writing those imaginary algorithms, Covid-19 antibody tests are analysed in the laboratory and can identify the virus . You either have it or don't. How the symptoms present themselves is down to the physiology of the patient.
  12. That's fine if populations are uniformly spread and have identical histories with regards to lifestyle and human contact.
  13. Why? Do you consider your past cliched repartee so insipid that you now have to pre-empt a reply?
  14. I'm sorry Stubbs, but my work involves more than polishing pebbles.
  15. Its still early days as data sets are continually changing almost by the hour, but measuring contagion is quantified by a disease's basic reproductive ratio. Seasonal flu's R0 varies but can be as high as 2, Covid-19 (at the latest count) is nudging over 4. Factor in seasonal flu's mortality rate of 0.1 with coronavirus at 3% and one can appreciate the scale of the problem
  16. Well, its not rocket science. Coronavirus microbes are subject to gravity like much else. The aforementioned measles microbes by comparison are very light and can be suspended in the air for several hours. This is why surfaces, eg supermarket checkout surfaces, pin card machines, trolley handles, should be wiped where possible. Hand sanitisers are of help but hand washing with soap is far more effective.
  17. Yeah, supermarkets are making do in a unusual set of circumstances. Your schoolboy invective aside, I'm not sure what else Tesco at al can do given the situation. People are quite happy to watch a football match on the sidelines yet you're bitching about waiting 40 minutes to get essentials. You should be more concerned with the maelstrom of brain-farts in your head.
  18. Covid-19 is not a true aerosol. The virus, unlike small and robust microbes e.g. measles, will only hang in the air under exceptional circumstances.
  19. In view of your past history you're probably the last person to be giving advice on matters of personal hygiene, and whilst I have no wish to alarm you with correlations between those with habitual tooth decay, HPV and genital warts it would be prudent if you incinerate your kecks after a few hours use...
  20. Now you're behaving like a slapped bitch but hey, I get it - you've only done one third of government imposed house arrest and your new teeth, some 650 miles away, are beyond reach for the foreseeable future so naturally you're a little tetchy and emotional. The good news is that I don't feel your pain so all's well. 👍
  21. So nothing about the wall and unemployment then? You really shouldn't be throwing tantrums when somebody has the temerity to express an opinion at variance to yours...
  22. The wall aint built, the continuing unemployment trend was downward long before Trump took office. If anything the curve has shallowed. Not sure about "making America great again" but he's demeaned the office of the President of The United States by being the biggest source of fake news. He hasn't drained the swamp - he is the swamp.
  23. Well, I'm grateful that you haven't mentioned "thinking out of the box" but all you've done thus far is to say "I know something" whilst knowingly tap the side of your nose. So, tell us what do you professionally research and precisely what anomalies have you stumbled upon?
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