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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. A lot of noise is being made on "The Exit Strategy", foremost of the noise-makers is Sir Keith Starmer who no doubt is looking for deflections (and warding off potential law-suites) on the leaked report to the NEC on Labour's alleged anti-Semitism, itself an exercise in deflection as the report concentrates on accusing Labour moderates of treachery against Corbyn leaving the anti-Semitism very much a side issue. The truth is that any effective exit strategy is dependant the availability of a national wholesale regular testing regime and a Coronavirus vaccine, neither of which is available any time soon. So, our political masters have to make some uncomfortable decisions as the lockdown can't continue indefinitely and we can't keep on burning cash for zero or limited productivity. Much has been made by politicos of all ideological persuasions that there is no trade off between the health of individuals (especially the vulnerable) and the economic health of society. But facing our leaders is precisely the decision that daren't speaks it name. There will be much churning of computer modelling on this and ultimately the question that has to be answered is how many deaths is acceptable to a free society?
  2. ...good to see that your quote facility works after all, but making inaccurate accusations is to be expected from the site's Mr Shouty. I was more interested in your impotent bawling at Judgetwi. Coming from a pompous fool who makes it his business to articulate his paranoia by constantly making sock-puppet accusations based on deductive abilities that would make even Inspector Clouseau wince, your comments are somewhat incongruous to say the least. I appreciate your metaphorical dick-swinging compensates your own self-admitted short-comings in the trouser department but really, you need to tone it down.
  3. But it should be run according to your moral narrative? Got it Aside from that I've no idea what you're on about. The facility to customise and select what is quotable does not exist. The quote function is either switched on or off across the boards.
  4. Only if you let your paranoia run with you.
  5. No fire down below Maj, my natural colouring is raven haired. TBH I did once blow off a taff (not a miner) when I was fifteen or sixteen. What can I say? I was young, emotionally naïve and had yet to comprehend the sex thang. It took a couple of years to understand the male species, especially weak characters like yourself who are easily manipulated by sex or rather the denial of same but I digress... I guess we'll still have wait for some of your much vaunted "out of the box" thinking in your insults rather than the farrago of re-heated forum clichés so colour me disappointed.
  6. Mrs Roops

    Button Moon

    Welcome to The Corner, @Yeast Infection Eric was a bit naughty in derailing *your* thread, that said it was unlikely the nom would have gained much traction. TBH, I don't recall the Rooplets having the prog in the fav list. Rolie Polie Olie , Teletubbies yes, Button Moon, no. Also a bit naughty was you noming a punter on the Main Corner. That diatribe of snowflake preciousness has been moved to the Open Corner. Finally, hair-trigger temper tantrums don't go down well here... Enjoy.
  7. An exercise in weasel wordsmanship if ever there was one. Pray tell, how does a nudie pic relate to advocating a POV unless the argument furthered is weak? As for the "report" paid for by Lord Pearson, a former leader of UKIP, you should know that Civitas shares the same business address as the Eurosceptic "Business for Britain" and "Vote Leave". The clue is in one of the trustee's, a certain Paul Rudd who is the centre of all this - and there's you pontificating about "coercive impact". Incredible.
  8. They can relax social distancing rules in Scotland if they want to but are subject to The English Constabularies words of encouragement, advice and baton the moment they cross the border.
  9. Yep La Sturgeon, the Scottish Parliament and the Judiciary (up to UK Supreme Court) cover all domestic issues. They can't touch foreign affairs, defence, monetary and fiscal policy. They do have limited tax-raising powers which they hardly exercise preferring instead to bitch and moan for more funds from the UK.
  10. You know, if you were an idiot crime reporter you would no doubt be concluding that the police are responsible for all murders because you've noticed that they are always first at the scene of a crime. The "bat flu" is not strange because it's not affecting the young. It effects age demographics in the same way as seasonal flu, the difference being that Covid - 19 is two to three times more contagious and fifty times more lethal. You've been repeatedly advised of this salient fact yet you still trot out the same nonsense.
  11. Jeez, has NACRO opened a pop-up branch within the Hallowed Halls of The Corner? Indeed, unfortunately your ineptness has shown that its also called "breaking the law". Wholly inaccurate assumptions aside, your passive claims of working-class victimhood don't cut much mustard for someone who was raised in the worst that a depressed Valley mining village had to offer. I worked hard to claw my way up to be a condescending bourgeois bitch whereas you opted for an ill-conceived plan for the fast buck. Mr Nice you are not.
  12. Well, I find it interesting that you offer no data save from your own biased perception that airtime was given to pro-Brexit speakers on a ratio of 2:1. In fact you had to strengthen your case by throwing in a schoolboy insult. Despite me being the victim of the alleged "coercing impact" of the BBC's impartiality on Brexit, you will recall that throughout the debate I was resolutely pro-Brexit. If you want my own observations, the 2:1 ratio in favour of Remainer talking heads is roughly accurate as far as covering the politicos as this was broadly the actual state of play in Westminster and the devolved govt seats. However, when it came to soliciting soundbites from the man-in-the-street (i.e. the people who would finally make the ultimate political decision) and the news reporters' own analysis it was pretty well balanced.
  13. Strange as it may seem, its her call for Scotland, the same for the leader of the Welsh Government. Not sure about N. Ireland though.
  14. The barrister did you a disservice, "C'mon m'lud, he was only having a laugh". It would have been better to paint you as an incompetent with mild learning difficulties. Petition for a re-trial and I'll appear as a witness for your defence and cross swords with the prosecution - for free. I have to say if you had what would be described as a "lesser role" your sentence would be significantly less so we'll stick with you having a "significant" (worse) or "leading" (middling) role, unless of course we're talking something a bit more serious than the importation of dodgy herbs.⚗️💉
  15. I agree, it should've been double or treble that. So you had a significant or leading role in smuggling drugs? I presume your barrister laid on the mitigation, unsophisticated...poor thinking skills...easily led by brother - the usual stuff?
  16. Absolutely, if one wants an unbalanced view on terrestrial TV news then go to Channel 4. The BBC's age old problem which they seem incapable or unwilling to sort out is the top heavy management structure. Constantly rearranging the deck chairs (noticeable in the news & current affairs) and renaming depts with snappy and hip titles (BBC Sounds? BBC Vision?) is just Birtwash. Moving a reluctant staff to Media city was an expensive and unnecessary gesture.
  17. Yeah, shame on me. How long did you spend in prison?
  18. I know, I blame watching too much Walking Dead.
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