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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. You're turning out to be a one-trick pony who with the benefit of a paramedic's training and the Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary always interjects from a medical perspective. 🏥
  2. You're an odd one, Killer. I understand why the older punters are obsessed with my bathroom bits and age given that most of them are approaching or are at pensionable age but a thirty-something who acts like a teenager overdosed on Tizer makes you a bit of an enigma. Setting aside as to why your art depicts yourself having breasts and womanly hips I'm wondering if you have mummy issues cos you don't strike me as a Milf hunter.
  3. Still ovulating, certain aspects of the menopause are worth looking forward to .
  4. Wot's this, the Slapped Bitches collective holding tear-soaked hands? First angry Stubbs in edgy Violet Elizabeth mode gives a masterclass in originality with his "Wattled" followed by a punter who when not playing fast and loose with the actualité, overstates the case. A box of Super Plus tampons has been dispatched to each of the respective parties for services to Big Girl Blousing.
  5. Mrs Roops

    Mrs McCann

    The site is indeed a microcosm of Britain - hubris, hyperbole, hypocrisy, herd paranoia, criminality, sexual repression, racism, bigotry and ignorance* - its all there. Statistically, at least ten of you are gay, though I can only spot five punters lurking within their respective cupboards. *The list is not exclusive.
  6. Glass houses Stubbs... In fact most of the "light ribbing" aimed at me is promptly ignored but I guess that doesn't suite your narrative.
  7. Hey mate, I get it - I truly do. I actually think your not to bothered about whatever anecdotal guff I give out whether its my job or travels abroad. Its that you made yourself the site's gunsmith in residence then little ol' me casually mentions that for a few days I was packing heat. It clearly hurt which wasn't my intention.
  8. Wot, the site's cheeky chappy rushing to the rescue? You've painted yourself as some sort of Alfie "fuck and run" merchant who's had "the opportunity to fulfil any sexual fantasies". I'm sure some of the more gullible punters were in awe of you...that is, until you uploaded a piccy of yourself. Instead of an Aldwych Adonis, we were assaulted with an image of a paunchy pensioner with spindly arms. Given your toothless state your facettes de la petit mort view must be a sight to behold. I understand half a dozen punters requested their donations back.
  9. Always willing to read "my mate who is a [insert embellishment here] tells me" opinions, Eric - but hey, I need to de-escalate as I sense some irritable tension going on here so to smooth things over I'll reach out to a PR agency who sometimes need a CP certified minder or two whenever Gemma Collins opens a Poundland store. You're obviously a "man in the know" so I'll pass on your details. I'll leave it to you to work out finder's fees etc.
  10. With you banging on about oil producers, the middle east and er...PPE buying trips, Herr Fraud might be needed to explain why you comment on things I didn't say. CP what? Certified Paralegal? Cathodic Protection technician? Oh, that CP certificate - available to anyone with 190 quid and a 140 hours to spare for training. Right-ho. Ex catering corps servicemen riding shotgun on banana boats cruising through the Straights of Aden is a bit different to the detail I remember.
  11. Indeed, my petulant Padawan, indeed.
  12. We all have our idiosyncrasies judge, even you do, though the inverse bragging of your man-of-the-people act is looking a bit tiresome...
  13. Nope, never said that. Have you been talking to fellow Walts on some Soldier of Fortune forum or somat like that? I did visit Venezuela on behalf of my employers who owned and invested in a manufacturing/servicing plant and warehousing facility at Lagunillas which supplied hitech electro-mechanical components to customers in central and south America. The larger and more profitable customers were Oil firms that had fields around Lagunillas and on Lake Maracaibo itself. As for your other misinformed comments, I did say that prior to the trip I had to attend the security contractor's training facility in Florida for two days of intensive training which included a psychological assessment. Much to my annoyance, my employers had already supplied the contractor with the results of similar tests together with a psychometric evaluation undertaken prior to being employed a couple of years previously.
  14. This time you really are sounding off from a point of abject ignorance, albeit in an attempt in back-tracking.
  15. You should be a spin doctor...
  16. What you on about? I've never been on a PPE buying trip nor to the middle east on oil production business. I've never directly worked for an oil producer either. It might be helpful if you make your jibes based on what I actually said rather on what you think I said.
  17. It not my site, I am but a mere apparatchik.
  18. A rather idiotic point to make. Irrespective of class or wealth one would've thought anyone would be pissed off in those circumstances whether it be Jamal curling out last night's jerk chicken or Tommy post bangers and mash, Hamish and his haggis or Glyndwr and his cawl.
  19. I'm not too sure what laws you think I've bent in real life or indeed at The Corner. You've alluded to poisoning hunting dogs where in fact if you were not sounding off from a point of abject ignorance you would know that that's the last thing a hunting sab would do. There are plenty of instances where sabs and monitors treat the hounds with affection whilst out in the field and have often rescued a hunting dog when trapped in fence wiring.
  20. Its dickheads like Derek Chauvin who get good cops killed.
  21. ...or if that's too difficult, train to be a door supervisor.
  22. Still wearing your angry-boy shorts then. One day you'll eventually grow up and travel further than ten miles from your home town. I actually support the rule of law as one of the constituents necessary for civilised society. I just have this funny insistence that this applies to all.
  23. As it happens I was aware of the case which has generated a notoriety of its own, unfortunately its one of many. The Floyd George case resonated with the public consciousness due to the witness' video of a police officer with hand in pocket nonchalantly resting his knee on his victim's neck, even when an EMS technician was checking the pulse of the lifeless body whilst three other officers casually looked on as if everything was normal. As I understand its extremely rare for a police officer to be criminally charged let alone convicted when he/she steps out of line. Usually its left to the victim or next-of-kin to pursue some form of civil case justice via the Supreme Court over Constitutional Rights violations. Even then there will be many years of pre-trail litigation to strike out the case by local DA's, the police union or municipal insurance underwriters before it even reaches trial stage.
  24. In fact 147 US police officers died in the line of duty during 2019. During the same period 1,099 civilians were shot dead by law enforcement. That figure does not include deaths whilst in police custody. I could give the breakdown by race but I suspect such salient niceties would fall on deaf ears given the racial bias prevalent amongst the puntership. That said, The "Black Lives Matter" approach is divisive as the problem is with American policing and the increasing unease of police brutality without consequences given the glacial speed in which police malfeasance is bought to book (if at all) not helped by powerful unions and officers turning a blind eye to the actions of fellow officers. The Blue Isis Gang are the new sovereign citizens.
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