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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Mrs Roops

    Religious cunts

    Well, there is religious zealotry but there are those people who have faith but don't necessarily subscribe to the teachings of a holy book which is sometimes viewed literally at worst and allegorical preaching and folklore at best. One can have faith but not be "religious".
  2. Good to see some law enforcement agencies taking the view that officers who regard themselves as public supervisors instead of public servants are going to have the book thrown at them...
  3. If anyone believes this pile of cack then they are either blind or delusional. I fail to see how "exposing Obama and Clinton" will make America great again. A productive country at ease with itself is what makes nations great. Expect to see more bunker "inspections"...
  4. An admirable piece of advice, I'm sure. Can you now stay away from using a proxy? Ta.
  5. Never sported a ginger pube in my life.
  6. You better disconnect your router and toss it into the nearest industrial shredder then as every web site you visit keeps a record of all visitor and user IP addresses, in fact most of them install a cookie on your device with your permission. The Corner has never divulged a punter's IP addresses to anyone. Aside from being an utter twat you're obviously a brittle piece of shit and clearly this site does not satisfy your needs. You're just about to join a very exclusive club...
  7. Whilst I shouldn't discount the possibility that you hitched a lift on a supersonic jet from RAF Valley to New York I think I'll stick with the notion that you are accessing The Corner via someone's cloud server owned by Digital Ocean. Using a proxy is against the rules as in the past punters ran teams of sock-puppets. The site's owners like to keep levels of paranoia down to acceptable levels. Get off the proxy or you will be leaving the site. Again.
  8. I try to avoid going for the lowest common denominator during debate though sometimes it the only language that's understood.
  9. Not sure where you get your figures from Billy, the true situation can be found here. It worth noting that Floyd's death will not be included in the 2020 stats as he was not shot but died whilst in police custody. Obviously it would be completely nonsensical to defund the law enforcement agencies. The answer is threefold, firstly accountability must be more transparent - all too often in such situations police investigate themselves which usually result in, "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong". All law enforcement complaints should be investigated by a civilian oversight board which has been mandated with executive powers conferred by federal and state legislature. Secondly, in the USA, rogue police officers escape criminal charges by claiming "qualified immunity". The Supreme Court should be able to remove this legal anachronism or at least water it down. Thirdly, and most importantly, it should be made a legal requirement that all law enforcement officers have individual professional indemnity insurance against civil rights violations as a requirement to gaining their law enforcement certification. Bad officers will simply find that bad behaviour will result in rescinded cover and loss of certification.
  10. The thin blue line on the monochrome badges represents fallen officers. In fairness to the judge I think the Met has banned their officers from displaying them.
  11. Your own photograph doesn't lie Billy. I'm surprised you haven't said people in your manor were safe enough to leave their front doors unlocked when you had your empire of penny slot arcades, snooker halls, nightclubs and massage parlours... I wish you well in your resumed treatment for July - just don't go and let rip a few automatic weapons afterwards, that was stupid to say the least.
  12. How would you know, wot with your spindly arms and preponderous gut? Just how did you come to lose all your teeth?
  13. ...probably 'cos that's twice you've tried to re-write the course of events.
  14. Why don't you read and comment on what I said instead of your usual practise of disengaging what counts as a brain before running off that large mouth of yours?
  15. The discourse we are both referring to is a matter of record, Killer. Its the usual adage, you don't mind dishing it out but howl like a Banshee when its given back.
  16. Police shouldn't be making politicised gestures whilst on the clock anyway. Whilst we're on the subject the practice of having a thin blue line on the Union Jack and Stars & Stripes uniform patches should be prohibited in both countries.
  17. Competent amateur. The sorta thing you allude to is the remit of the NSA & GCHQ.
  18. I appreciate that out of loyalty you would want to deflect from your friend's car-crash session of yesterday but that's not how it happened. You interjected with a mild jibe and my reply was similarly measured and restrained both in tone and context. Your response was to be even more obtuse which was countered likewise. If you don't like the heat then don't play with matches.
  19. ...which of course is your right but you are using a Czech proxy which is spoofing a US location and IP address. Cease and desist please as I know who you are anyway.
  20. A rather hypocritical assertion in light of your recent rampage of faux white supremacist nonsense and whingeing diatribes. Whine o'clock?
  21. Six hours during which time I was off-site and incidentally the same amount of time it took for you to respond to my previous post. Either you're punch-drunk in charge of a keyboard or you're a stupid fucking cunt. Maybe both...
  22. Yer both firing blanks. Get over yourselves...
  23. Now that didn't hurt did it? A post without medical terminology. 👍
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