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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Self-deprecation can be attractive in a man but you come across as churlish. You shouldn't undervalue yourself either. Not for one moment do I think you are retarded.
  2. ...probably on the same medium as you, except my analysis is clearly more circumspect than your usual fact-averse nonsense...er...lol.
  3. All very Orwellian and sinister but its a good scare story worthy of five rolls of tin foil. Google Books was conceived as one of many "Other Bets" when the thinking was that books were going to replaced by digital assistants - Kindle anyone? - the anticipated revenue was huge. As it turned out people preferred to holding an actual book which when not being read, could be stored in a bookshelf as a decorative feature showcasing the owners' intellectualism. Then the copywrite lawsuits started piling up on Google's doormat. Now Google Books is just another digital archive amongst many - it even has to compete with Google Scholar.
  4. I have a policy of never commenting on another's spelling and grammatical errors least of all my own, but in your case... Pretense?
  5. Not wishing to go pedant, but why would "two stunning blondes" (no doubt both being considerably younger than you) need a large tub of KY when presented with your Adonis-like figure in full tumescent glory? Surely natural dampness would ensue unless the "two stunning blondes" were...um...gentlemen acquaintances. I've always wondered why you left the land of the orange sash in a hurry.
  6. ...asks Ms Precious, anyway... …yet you're still here.
  7. To give some of you drama queens something to bitch about at the next Darby & Joan meet.
  8. Not for the first time a punter volunteers advice on how to run the site yet stomps his feet when he finds that the rules apply to him as well...
  9. We usually allow newbie some leeway on first posts. One of m'leaned colleagues has given words of advice to the appropriate parties.
  10. @Trucking Funt & @Last Cunt Standing, you both have crossed the line but be that as it may please migrate your trash talk to the Open Corner.
  11. On the contrary, more often the fermentation is instigated elsewhere as this recent parade of petulance demonstrates.
  12. Let us know when that happens.
  13. Because there are no simple solutions to complex issues...
  14. The problem Billy, is that the scourge of "fake news" is endemic from all sides of the political spectrum who are all guilty of overspin and giving greater weight to irrelevant froth. This is largely down to t'internet where anyone can be a citizen journalist. Its a serious problem. In the days of two-channel TV and established print media everyone knew the political leanings of news outlets and could adjust the content they viewed accordingly. Now its not too clear.
  15. I don't want to rain on the conspiracists' parade but as with all branches of science and the furtherance of knowledge thereof its not uncommon for assessments to change. This is especially true where a virus has the term "novel" preceding the full medical description. In other words, as the virus is new and as not much is known about it, assessments and consequently advice will change and the changes will happen frequently. Scientific journals as a matter of course print retractions on a regular basis and The Lancet, quite correctly, is no different. In the case of the recent "scoop" over the hydroxychloroquine study retraction it was the authors themselves that requested The Lancet to withdraw the paper as they were unhappy over the external data source originally supplied' to them. What the pro-Trump conspiracists don't mention is that it was the decidedly anti-Trump Guardian science correspondent that initially raised concerns over the data used in the study.
  16. No, of course not. Corporations changing long-established and trusted brand design and logos do so at their peril. This is clearly a knee-jerk reaction by the Mars Inc PR and corporate affairs department. Right at the outset of the George Floyd death I said necessary change should be directed at the police culture which is underpinned by all too powerful police unions. I also said that this should not become a BLM issue for reasons that are now becoming clear. Whilst the Minneapolis Police may well be replaced by a Public Safety Board all that will happen is a few gestures will be tossed to the minorities and the real issues will be kicked into long grass. The issues over police transparency, lack of accountability and above all their qualified immunity status will remain unchecked. Shame.
  17. ...and that's another 48 hours off-site plus a further 48 for trying to be a smart-arse.
  18. Please stop using proxies. This request is not up for negotiation.
  19. By not coming on-site solemnising like a simpering Nick Griffin groupie whenever a dodgy screen-grab of some non-entity's mobile is uploaded to The Corner.
  20. How does one prove a negative? The "George Wegener" Twitter account has no tweets and neither the Twitter nor the FB pages of UK Veterans Live have any record of this.
  21. No one is immune to the knee-jerk reactions of the Cancel Culture...groupthink on steroids for the brainless.
  22. Calm down, Quickfire...and untwist your piety knickers whilst you're at it.
  23. Come now KB, your reputation as a promulgator of fake facts precedes you.
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