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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. I think The Lancet's editor must have been embarrassed when his former employer, the anti-Trump Guardian first blew the whistle on his journal's Hydroxychloroquine article. As for the WHO, clearly the organisation needs to be looked at by the UN General Assembly but America's withdrawal of funding was entirely the wrong course of action.
  2. I've never suggested otherwise. A lot of things that you "find" tend not to bear close scrutiny...
  3. We've been here before... The Corner is a broad church which welcomes diversity of opinion. The downside of the site's open platform is that there are a few punters who willingly bend over, spread their cheeks and allow themselves to be rogered senseless by the Trump/Breitbart narrative where self-serving misinformation, conspiracy and intentionally misleading stories are the order of the day. They will often scream "fake news" whenever anyone has the temerity to present a narrative contrary to their own, the irony being that they are the greatest propagators of same. Any "news" related post from such an ill-informed punter should be taken with a shovel-full of salt.
  4. Hey, mind the gap as you jump from one wagon to the other.
  5. You are not paying attention to the issue at hand. Incidentally, your alleged, "challenges" are simply recycled insults and put-downs authored by others. For some reason you've beguiled yourself in thinking that your "challenges" have more impact than anyone else's. Be that as it may, you've just talked yourself onto the Mod Q. Any post which includes revisiting old grievances will not see the light of day.
  6. It was hardly expert and no opinion proffered. Get over yourself.
  7. Now you are wasting my time. I suggest you use The Corner for which it was designed for instead of constantly reminding punters of past events. Stop your noise, cease bawling, move on or move out.
  8. Well, that depends on the extent of one's sensibilities to wokeness, be they ambivalent, measured or replete with bigotry on either side of the debate, but as you infer - those blessed with merely a "half decent IQ" seem to be of particular mindset. Social constructs are not necessarily binary...
  9. Precisely. Orchestral pieces can be interrupted and performed many ways. As KR intimated much time is spent in rehearsal fine-tuning a work according to the conductor's interpterion of the music score. This is why the mullet-haired Andre Rieu can break away from the conducting role and play his violin as his orchestra are well practised to his preferences.
  10. Seems to me you're looking for your anti-woke sensibilities to be offended.
  11. Oh, I don't know - Seb Coe, Steve Redgrave, Laura Kenny, Chris Hoy, Jessica Ennis and Andy Murray springs to mind - and that's without consulting the oracle.
  12. I don't hate you. I'm just weary of your incessant cry-baby antics and the fall-out you create.
  13. I don't know anyone who's died in a RTA. Using your critical thinking process I conclude that motoring deaths are fake news and road traffic legislation is evidence of illuminati control of the masses.
  14. Yeah and millions of health professionals and scientists worldwide have signed up to the experiment.
  15. He was a strange one. Interesting side note: AFAIK, Patroller/Bane was the last punter to access The Corner via a dial-up.
  16. Having just read through yesterday's discourse I now realise "transitioning" was a major topic of the day so perhaps Judge was not so cryptic. Phew, equilibrium restored!
  17. Gosh, a mildly cryptic comment from the Judge - whatever next?
  18. Hey, its Astonishingly unbearable, I've been upgraded and don't you forget it!
  19. Less interesting though hardly surprising is that it took you two days and two hours to dream up such an insipid retort. Still, I see you've recruited the Peckham pensioner to the CC Victims Anonymous self-help group (Motto - "We're not survivors"). As ever, counselling is available from the CC Moderation and Aftercare Team.
  20. Indeed. The writing was on the wall for large jets when the hub and spoke system of airline routing fell out of favour thanks to the budget operators who preferred smaller aeroplanes connecting regional airports. Even so, the 747 was conceived, designed and built when Boeing was run by engineers and was a centre for engineering excellence. The priorities was safety and triple redundancy. When it came to safety all passengers flew first class in a Boeing. It all went south when Boeing merged with Mcdonnell Douglas. Due to circumstances and perhaps some corporate manoeuvring the new company ended up with Mcdonnel Douglas men in charge. Boeing's top floor was relocated from Seattle to Chicago thereby isolating senior management from the engineers. What engineers that were left with the top team was replaced by money and marketing bods. Engineering excellence which focused on safety became another box to be ticked. Some say that the 737Max disaster was inevitable when the two aerospace giants merged.
  21. This group does cover versions in the medieval style, a bit bonkers but enjoyable nonetheless...
  22. Why certainly; whatever stung you into posting this, Poor Ape, the usual pattern of opportunistic indignation, denial and affected obtuseness. You must find your ego...debilitating. You must be exhausted.
  23. We both know a good proportion of your likes is down to volume and quid pro quo's. Anyway, check the profile view counts which tell a different story.
  24. You jumped in for no other reason than to sate a grudge and only after ensuring the pack was there. It blew up in your face, you didn't like but all you could do was blurt out "rattled". The problem for you Ape is that your lameness precedes you.
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