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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. No evidence to suggest it is.
  2. The jury's out on that one.
  3. @The XYY Man, this your one and only warning regarding Rule12.
  4. He's where he says he is. @FuckOff, stay off the VPN whilst visiting The Corner please.
  5. Well, no intimidation intended, after all, posts are merely words by anonymous people addressed to anonymous people...yet you still had to qualify your alleged indifference.
  6. I think events have shown you're the last person entitled to accuse others of being a last-word merchant.
  7. Have you counted how many times you answer "rattled" any time you're on the receiving end of a put-down? In fact I was answering a question which considering you've barked out "answer the question" more times than anyone else should make you pleased... Hypocritical nit-picker? I should coco.
  8. Either you are now being deliberately obtuse or as I suspect, you were way out of your depth from the outset. I alluded to the effect of reparations which were bleeding the German economy.
  9. All industrial economies were in a parlous state after the Great Depression. Keeping it simple, Germany firstly introduced a dual currency system (I previously touched on this in previous posts) each to serve an external and internal market. Secondly, it embarked on a policy of self-sufficiency rather like the USA's New Deal programme of public works, the obvious example was the American Hoover Dam and the German Autobahn system.
  10. Didn't you not open your previous post with "You are an insufferable cunt"? You get back what you dish out. Be that as it may, I note there was no informed rebuttal, just a hundred and thirty words of feet-stamping and cliched forum histrionics. As you were, Wolfie... Oh yeah, nearly forgot...
  11. Him? Good grief, his carcass is flapping in the wind, he just doesn't realise it.
  12. If I listen every time the chorus sings then The Corner would be down to three punters. Apologies are neither due nor proffered.
  13. You said that after wishing violence on another and you think I'm rattled?
  14. @ChildeHarold, yesterday I took some flack in defending you, in return you pull this stunt. I've arranged a one week stay at our Behavioural Insights Suite (affectionally known as the "Nudge Unit") Take time to reflect on your behaviour and to understand the psyche of the site.
  15. Clearly you weren't paying attention to the next part of your schooling... Wolfie, stick to your limits and confine yourself to issues that you are conversant with which I'm given to understand is weed, scooters and MILF appreciation.
  16. Mrs Roops

    Mike Brewer

    From the back of my mind I think its some tenuous connection to a guitar, but I'm not too sure on that.
  17. I deal with it 'cos when a punter goes LCD insults they reveal an inability to argue a point and I know I have them by the proverbial. You're the worst type of spineless twat who does same by proxy. You get to use the insult by commenting other punters' use of it. You're all mouth and no trousers.
  18. Mrs Roops

    Mike Brewer

    Its a phrase borrowed from the Private Eye lexicon. I've also referred to The Corner's Mods and Admins as "m'learned colleagues".
  19. It would be simpler if you said you couldn't think of any examples, instead you present a cornucopia of clichés and self-serving fanciful thinking about exploiting and setting up. Why you revisited the pre-war German economy debate where you revealed yourself to be a faux economic history scholar is something between you and your tiny little mind. No worries, to assist you with your selective amnesia issues your schooling on the matter began here...
  20. Because, obviously it didn't bother me - you overestimate yourself. Anyway, enough of your deflections - run through when you did your smashing of the back-doors thingy, it just doesn't ring a bell.
  21. Its been mentioned before but The Corner is a microcosm of RW life, some develop slowly, others blend in naturally - we cant all be Eric Cuntmans, which may or may not be a good thing... Here's Heather Small and that incredible, heavenly voice...
  22. Ah, so the selective memory recalls those bits then. I mentioned my earlier career for the benefit of a newbie and within the context of a discourse about dentistry. I have to say my memory is clearly not as supple as yours - precisely when did you "metaphorically smashed [my] back doors in"?
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