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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. I've alluded to this before - if you and your fellow pitch-forkers had their way The Corner would be down to five punters. The CC Moderation Service plays the long game and punters who do not make the grade despite words of advise will be placed in the incineration chamber.
  2. I know what the tech does, the issue is the use of, which for retailers and council street monitoring is illegal unless approved by the Home or Justice Secretary and by a judicial commissioner which under current legislation will not happen. The small lights clustered around the lens are Infrared lights for low light monitoring or are you saying every home cctv unit is now capable of biometric harvesting? You're sprouting classic tin-foil rubbish.
  3. OTOH, your reputation for being happy only when you have a victim to pick on precedes you.
  4. Oh yes, lectures, group workshops, course work, field trips, tutors, the whole caboodle.
  5. Yes really. The clue in your link (the gist of the article was hypothetical to say the least) was the para titled "The law". If the police are having problems utilising the technology then I don't see it happening in Asda very soon...
  6. I wondered that. I have an idiot son-in-law reading a three year degree course with a view to taking another year for a masters. Apparently the course covers analogue and digital stills as well as cine photography, darkroom and digital post processing as well as the more subjective styles of image making by studying previous masters of the art and the more sophisticated techniques such as High Dynamic Range shooting.
  7. Contrary to previous comments your average council and supermarket cctv does not automatically record everyone's biometric data. Such highly specialised equipment is used by very few police authorities and even that practice was slapped down by the courts a few days ago. Much misinformation has been written about the Chinese authorities using electronic surveillance in rounding up citizens suspected of carrying covid 19. In fact they were identified by the old tried and tested system of organised street snitches.
  8. It was you who first mentioned testicles and then some... Either you are thicker than the "thick" punters you berate or you are an appalling hypocrite and liar. Probably all three.
  9. Wasn't aware you weren't able to post noms. Its not an issue other punters who have been on ModQ have mentioned. How and what message did you encounter when attempting a nom? I put you on ModQ due to your predilection for playing the victim if you had been suspended. You are not the only person who has been ModQ'd either. You are not special. EDIT I've just activated a "Test" account, put it in the ModQ and I could upload noms just fine. The only message I encountered was that the nom and OP would be subject to moderator approval. As I intimated before you are a liar and very very stupid.
  10. Two dried peas then. The reason for you being placed in the ModQ has been well documented... Make up your mind Judge, you intimate I don't have the bottle to ban you, OTOH you won't fall into my trap 'cos you know I will. Aside from possessing a brain commensurate with the size of the dried peas hanging in your wrinkled sack you are just another brittle late-middle aged drama queen who thinks he's The Corner's hard nut. Crushed nuts would be more accurate. With added fruit.
  11. Lets see if your "right sweaty bollocks" are large enough to say something that warrants a ban then, or do they resemble two dried peas rattling around an empty shoebox? Your call...
  12. I think he's checked out. He's still on the list but under the name "N/A". He's also deleted his e-mail address though we still have it in the archive. I will not speculate why he's left but I can think of several possibilities, none of them complementary.
  13. Its no exaggeration to say that in excess of a thousand likes (no doubt a good many of them from you) have been awarded for anti-Roops comments and yet not a peep from me, or at least I can't recall making any. Yet here you are, bawling your eyes out because of three likes that I and others had the temerity to award. All you have done here aside from using likes as a personal benchmarking tool, is to reveal what a brittle person you are. Given the circumstances you should heed all the advice given irrespective from where it came from.
  14. You're barking up the wrong tree. Over time The Corner has passed through four different owners. You've stumbled on a previous proprietor. If you do your homework you'll see the site's servers, hosts and current proprietors are registered stateside. The present owners are shielded by a digital brass plate job - a necessary precaution considering the number of nut-jobs around. Well, if you know this and bearing in mind your experience of owning URL's, websites and forums why are you bitching about bandwidth, adverts, watermarks and SD cards? Colour me incredulous but there are aspects to you that lead me to think that you haven't got a freaking clue.
  15. Seems to me I have you handled just right. Lying as to why you find yourself on the mod Q isn't helping your case.
  16. That's because you have 2 kB out of 500 kB personal attachment quota left. Use the gallery where allocation is unlimited.
  17. For an ex nurse practitioner, ex Mensa member, ex UK resident who was pussy-whipped by his dominant partner to relocate to her home country you've quickly morphed into a whinging pom. In fact it's normal practice to give newbies a word of warning first time they cross the line.
  18. That's twice in the space of five minutes you've derailed two fresh noms. CYA Monday...
  19. That's a bit disingenuous to say the least. The George Conway you refer to wouldn't be the same George Conway, spouse to Kellyanne "alternative facts" Conway, Trump's former campaign manager and now Special Councillor to the president as well as his chief spin doctor, would it? That's some serious disaffected Republicanism or as you would put it, "a plant". In fact most of The Lincoln Project's miniscule funding (miniscule by American lobby standards) is spent on social media and is sourced from individual private donations. The largest donor by a very long stretch isn't David Geffen nor Christy Walton but hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel.
  20. I thought you said you used to own a forum... Firstly, I do not own the site, secondly this has nothing to do with bandwidth nor the hosts and lastly, either follow instructions volunteered by @Ape™️ or alternatively embed your images by linking from The Corner's gallery like this, The gallery allows you to post an unlimited number of images.
  21. One of the more effective character assassinations currently against Trump is being conducted by The Lincoln Project. Why this resonates so well is that the pressure group is funded by Republicans who cant stand the orange man for bringing America and the GoP into disrepute.
  22. My understanding of the Spanish "denuncia" system is that complaints have to be made in person. On a slightly different note, the ways of The Corner are strange, byzantine and unwritten. A good number of newbies try to hit the place running before they learn to walk. Calm down a bit and take time to understand the feel of the place. Trust no-one.
  23. Don't worry about it. "I know where you live" is a long established Corner trope.
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