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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Lets see now; a delusional ex-con whose convictions will never be deemed spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act which makes your assertion to be working as a high end programmer somewhat ridiculous to say the least as no reputable software house or client will let you near any application development. Still, you can rightfully list Master Bacofoil Origamist on your CV, I'll give you that.
  2. Yeah right. The problem with idiots like you is that they think everyone else is as dumb as they are.
  3. Oh please. The only thing you're likely to trap is your dick in the hoover nozzle.
  4. Not wishing to alarm but red screen on your device can mean 1/ problem with battery 2/ problem with sim card and 3/ malware infection. Have you been messing with either the battery or sim card recently? Assuming its none of the aforementioned can you recall the error code displayed and/or the precise message given? Its possible your problems are caused by our server synch issues which always seem to surface after a major update, that being so you should clear the data history and cache on your device.
  5. Let's not forget the original schoolboy howler that kicked this off... TBH, I wouldn't even put you in charge of the mouse mat counter at Currys PC World. As you keep repeating, usually in an attempt to have the last word...
  6. The minimalist style gives the site a cleaner, less cluttered look. Functionality has remained the same unless the viewer is an alleged high end coder who can only cope with a command line interface.
  7. As a "computer programmer" I'm surprised you aren't aware of the three-dot icon on the RH top corner of each post. Why not click on it?
  8. @ChildeHarold, not only have you ignored my directive to calm down you have also chosen to migrate a dimension of your spat to another thread. Take seven days away from The Corner and reflect accordingly. Should there be further problems with you I will personally drag you downstairs and throw you in our brand new EC emissions compliant incinerator.
  9. Nothing to do with me, though I did remove the thread summaries that came with the new style format. I did have a look in our new steel and glass back office and shiny new engine room and it appears there is a no-cost option. This is essentially a black background with a slightly lighter typeface and border lines that are hardly discernible. It struck me that some of our older patrons (i.e most of you) would find this an intolerable strain on the eyes. There are other schemes available but these are cost options.
  10. @Trucking Funt & @ChildeHarold, I have had to edit your posts. Both of you calm down.
  11. Out of all the partners in the American-led JSF programme, the UK is the only one to be accorded tier one status, the other nations are either tier two or three.
  12. You might be "sure" but I'm hard pressed in finding the guards ever saying it. Incidentally, Britain's nuclear sub fleet are designed and built by the UK as are the torpedoes they carry. The Trident ICBM's are of course American but they carry British warheads. The two aircraft carriers were built and assembled in the UK.
  13. Its not a celebration of war, its a commemoration remembering the fallen. You're bitching about the giving of two minutes of silent respect each year to people who gave their lives so you can freely spend twenty minutes posting bollox as many times as you like.
  14. Absolutely. This is why not one of Facewatch's partners is a big player in the security business. A common problem with many hi-tech start-ups is that the principle players, aside from committing substantial time, effort and money are also emotionally invested which is understandable. This why private equity and hedge funds will insist that the majority of non executive directors far outnumber the executive board members. Aside from keeping a eye on the bottom line they will also take a dispassionate view of the bigger picture including public perceptions. In this day and age optics are everything. Facial recognition, with or without images, will not see the light of day in the retail market.
  15. Longer than it takes to train a ticketing clerk.
  16. I don't mind his car-crash ranting, it has entertainment value after all. Its the clearing of the subsequent mess afterwards when he resurrects old slights against him.
  17. If you check you kicked off with the retaliatory "no, you are" from another thread.
  18. Its a pity that you didn't check all the links. It appears that Facewatch are relying on a tame solicitor who says its all legit, that is if no images or names are stored relying instead on algorithms. Which retailer is going to risk the furore and legal ramifications if a shopper is denied entry because "the computer says no"? To get around this Facewatch says the data and by implication, the instruction to deny is centralised with them and not the retailer so if they get it wrong they are liable for defamation. I'm not sure a crowd-funded outfit would have the financial muscle to survive the legal onslaught that will eventually happen. Small wonder that anticipated end users will be in countries that do not have strict GDPR regs.
  19. Fortunately the site isn't managed according to who you like or do not like. Tell you what Stubbs, why not set up your own site where you can apply the Stubby sieve according to your own myopic sensibilities? I guarantee after one or even ten years your own personal Corner would resemble an echo chamber of four to five voices.
  20. Probably the same one that identifies manky old gits...
  21. As per previous posts on the matter he can make noms.
  22. It doesn't need to. The current GDPR regs do not allow the private sector to use the tech.
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