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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Poor ridiculed and rattled Billy. TBH ridiculing your narrative is easy. After all you do provide the ammunition so I guess I must thank you for that.
  2. Trouble is that if you continue to play fast and loose with the facts then whatever nonsense you're attempting to promulgate will fall by the wayside. Here are the facts as understood by accepted science.
  3. I think you meant to say "she ridiculed my opinions". That said, which conversation are you on about or are you confusing "R" and fatality rates? In fact its generally accepted Covid death rates have decreased though it still has to be determined whether that's due to a more targeted approach to shielding vulnerable people, treatment regimes or Covid-19 mutating into a less lethal and thereby more efficient virus.
  4. ...which is how conspiracy theories gain traction with the gullible and easily led; half-truths and speculation make for a potent mix.
  5. Not so, the post was hidden pending account approval which was at 09.36 BST, so a response was made in 2h 25 mins. The newby has a point though.
  6. Don't worry about it. As they say, you are not alone - but not in the way you might understand it...
  7. You can't. PM me details of what you want removed and I'll see what I can do. Unfortunately there is no guarantee as all attachments are held in a global file.
  8. Been there, done that decades ago... The paperwork is gathering dust in an attic or cellar, not sure at which home though.
  9. When in the posting box, click on "Other Media" found at the bottom RH corner and follow the instructions.
  10. Nothing worse than a thickster who thinks he's smart.
  11. Vids are linked not "uploaded". You have used all your attachment allowance. Again, upload images to the gallery and link. You can also link images from other sites.
  12. Every one has the same attachment allowance. To date you have used 98% of it. Upload your images to the gallery and embed the pic in subsequent posts.
  13. Then you haven't been paying attention then. Only yesterday Boris Johnson was ruminating on the subject during the latest briefing.
  14. Then you're an ignorant selfish git then. Precisely. So you adhere to the notion that there's some sort of conspiracy going on yet you can't articulate what it is. A sheepish comment from the tin-hat flock of sheep. --o0o-- Let's be clear on this, the wearing of the mask is not to protect you from others, its to protect others from you.
  15. Why "enough said"? Do you know what you are actually talking about or, as I suspect, you're just shooting from the hip? JLR quality and reliability indices are well documented but Tata appear to have done a better job than previous owners, British Leyland, BMW and Ford.
  16. It used to be said that the best suspension engineers were to be found at Citroen, these days it could be argued that they reside at Land Rover. That's the point, Land and Range Rovers are highly competent off-roaders yet they're also capable of limousine quality ride comfort on the roads. BMW makes fine machines to be sure but no serious off-roader is going to choose an X-Drive or an Audi Q car for that matter. It's a shame that Land Rover has absorbed Jaguar's legacy quality control issues.
  17. Technically, they are in fact well above the competition. The issue is and always has been quality control and reliability.
  18. That's never been the case as you know. Sexual references to her will be removed.
  19. There's an urban myth that "chav" originates from Cheltenham Average.
  20. ...or probably not. Mods read the discourse themselves and make their own minds up.
  21. JSP, You've had three previous warnings on Rule 12 violations, each resulting in a two to three day suspension, so clearly lessons not learnt. CYA in a week's time.
  22. I doubt it, The Stroud Valleys' old money and bohemia mesh surprisingly well and hate that sort of development which was the sort of edifice one would normally find in Gloucester. The Sloane Ranger and home counties arrivistes tend to flock around Cheltenham and Chipping Sodbury.
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