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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. The recent sore loser petition at Pennsylvania is a case in point that the GOP is spewing out frivolous law suites to create a cloud of suspicion and unfounded Republican conspiracy theories. This I'm sure will ultimately backfire on them. Last Friday, Justice Alito (a known conservative and appointee of Republican President G W Bush) to the US Supreme Court granted a GOP petition that Pennsylvania must segregate late postal ballots as required by law. In fact Pennsylvanian election officials stated that they were already doing that and GOP lawyers had to admit that had no evidence to the contrary. As the late ballots total no more than 5000 votes this will make no difference to the result if the votes are excluded which is highly unlikely in any case.
  2. ...and the source of your made-up fact is?
  3. I think you need to cool down for a couple of days @ChildeHarold
  4. For good reason... https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ghost-voters-in-29-states/
  5. Just released him now, @Decimus, you can come out to play.
  6. More like non-starter, where's the rest of your list?
  7. ...which rather avoids the issue. So who is this "very strong Zionist element [that] owns the British press and media" that you had in mind?
  8. Ridiculous... Doubly ridiculous.
  9. As opposed to your SRN qualification? Right-O!
  10. I can't comment on what went on in Kensington (that is if you actually live there) but in my neck of the woods, supermarkets et al were scrupulous in mitigating potential infection hot spots with screens, PPE, spacing - the works.
  11. All the more reason to wear a mask and so lesson the risk of spreading the virus then or do you have some more fallacious logic to impress us with?
  12. Did you actually read my post? Being younger/fitter does not lessen the ability to be a carrier/spreader.
  13. You're implying that anyone over sixty or has (possibly hitherto unknown) underlying medical conditions has no worth in today's society. Given the demographic of The Corner that's probably not a wise stance to take especially as a few punters have lost members of their families to the virus. Two things are known about Covid-19; firstly it has a high death rate compared to say the common flu and secondly, it has proven to be highly contagious even from carriers who are asymptomatic. The mask wearing is to protect others from you not you from others. You may or may not be fit and healthy but that is not the issue, your blind irrational selfishness is. Whilst there are some parts of lockdown rules that defy logical explanation that is no excuse for being a selfish git.
  14. Overruled...again. I just wish you stop superglueing your finger to the report button.
  15. Calm down quickspurt, you're becoming hysterical. Rather than commenting on what you think I wrote you'll see that my post merely provided an alternative viewpoint and was restricted to a small part of a HoR committee session between Gowdy and Strzok. No comment was made or inferred to any "conspiracy" whatsoever. Whilst in your closed sheep-like world no-one is allowed to articulate an opinion at variance to your own, your reaction was nonetheless overblown and hyperbolic. It was part toddler-tantrum and part bull in a china shop. "Seriously grow up" indeed...
  16. On the contrary, I would've thought the true mark of a colander-hatted sheeple is an inability to answer questions instead of avoiding and deflecting the issue by inviting people to smell a cup of coffee.
  17. Yeah, keep on making things up on every subject under the sun and I'll keep on challenging your abject rubbish so put a sock in it and stop ya snivelling and whining.
  18. Hmm, Strzok was not stripped of his pension rights, he lost a portion of his entitlements which meant he could not collect benefits at the age of fifty. He has instigated legal proceedings to reclaim monies lost and in all likelihood his entitlements will be fully restored. As for the vid, we saw the Republican Chairman of the Judiciary committee incorrectly asserting that Strzok was subpoenaed and therefore had to answer Gowdy's questions. Witness the climbdown after aides whispered in his ear diplomatically advising him that he was talking bollocks. The Chairman's embarrassment was compounded amid accusations from the floor that he was making up the rules as he went along. Strzok was finally allowed to say his piece without the constant badgering and interruptions from Gowdy who had to sit there like a chastened schoolboy as Strzok ripped him a new arsehole. Gowdy is an interesting case; a "social conservative" he was a lone Republican voice when he criticised Trump's assertion that the FBI has spied on him in the lead up to the presidential election.
  19. I get that though I find the greater the cerebrally-challenged thickster and his inherent insecurity, the greater the disdain. Incidentally, you really ought to do something about your weather-vain opinion-forming which is prone to 180 degree changes to suit the knee-jerk riposte. One moment "that man was definitely not moderator material", the next moment I "could certainly take a leaf out of his book". It makes you look weak and stupid.
  20. Well as usual, no facts, no evidence just non-specifics - "there's a theory" and "the likes of Soros" - is typical of your MO. As it happens the WEF is deserving criticism, not least for its lack of transparency and elitism but it seems the sites usual conspiracy merchants are sounding off without knowing the reason why which ironically is the mark of the true sheep.
  21. As you joined at least six months after Rick last visited the site I'm not sure how you could possibly make that assertion. On the contrary he was a very good moderator. The fact that out of hundreds of thousands of posts he moderated the usual suspects only bring up up the nailed doll issue is testament to that.
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