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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Indeed it is, so do yourself a favour and see your GP who will no doubt arrange for you to be tested. There is nowhere on the forum where I acknowledged your qualifications or made reference to same save for remarking that "it sounds like you got nuttin" on account of your deflecting. You did indeed PM me but at the time It would have been inappropriate for me to refer to it but as you have mentioned the PM, I am of course, no longer required to abide by the PM code of omerta. I remember the PM very well, I will make no comment except to remark that not even Monumental Cunt would have attempted such a flagrant farrago of fiction. Reading the PM which contained a potted C.V. gave me a genuine LOL moment. I recall that the words "sad" and "tosser" sprung to mind...
  2. Back in early March, I asked what you did for work, more specifically, the field of learning you earned your PhD in, answer there came none...no, that's not actually true, you waffled a lot without giving any answers so I'm guessing the reality is rather similar to the contents of your little black book of imaginary contacts...
  3. The Mondeo Mk3 can not, by any stretch of the imagination, be described as a "British Icon". The vehicle is a Ford world car conceived as CDW27 and designed by Mazda engineers. The car was largely built in the far east though European models were made in Ford's manufacturing plant in Belgium. That said, I don't think that even the most fervent remainer is going to advocate a return to being a EU vassal state over parts availability for clapped out cars. If I were you Panzer, I would be concerned as to why your unelected political masters messed up on sorting out an efficient Covid immunisation program, then I would be asking questions as to how much the Irish will be required to chip in to pay for the Covid recovery plans of poorer EU states. You won't be laffin then but The Corner puntership might...
  4. Lazy, bigoted and stereotypical pejoratives aside all this BLM angst is merely payback for centuries of abuse and marginalisation. In the USA at least, the Jim Crow mentality is still rampant.
  5. Indeed you are, though these days you cut a rather comical figure... Either you have a pitifully poor memory or you are being deliberately obtuse. Whatever, all you are doing is confining yourself to the ModQ for much longer than was originally intended.
  6. Have to say, the final episode was a let-down, I was a expecting a a grand denouement instead the master criminal was revealed to be an incompetent officer who sleepwalked into being the head evil mastermind. As for your analysis Eric, weren't two previous corrupt protagonists female?
  7. Your "thoughts" couldn't be more wrong. In fact a "sharp witt (sic) and a wicked sense of humour" is rare when applied to inter-member abuse, the reality is that the abuse is mostly reheated insults and is largely responsible for keeping the non-abusive post count down and from dissuading casual visitors from joining the site. The Corner prospers when punters leave their egos at the door and post irreverent "slice of life" and anecdotal commentary. Its no coincidence that the non-abusive post count has risen exponentially over the past couple of months. One mo' thing... Really?, when was this then?
  8. Most probably, Saucepants made two applications in the last fortnight.
  9. Yesterday's application to join The Corner was declined as it was submitted via an Indian proxy IP address which is contrary to Rule 5. I see that you have reapplied, this time from New York. I'm not sure the aforementioned makes the Admin team "lazy cunts" however it does make you a stupid cunt. Cease and desist with the proxies otherwise your account will be digitally vaporised.
  10. As are yours as I have little patience with punters who blatantly take the piss. Your cumulative tally has been reduced by a further 66% and your account has been suspended indefinitely.
  11. You're being hysterical...
  12. Yes you have, consequently your cumulative "like" count has been reduced by 66%.
  13. This is your third Rule 13 violation this year. Account suspended for seven days.
  14. Probably not a good idea to reply with a smartarse comment under the circumstances... A direct violation of Rule 12. Both of you can spend the rest of the weekend in the cooler. Use the time to read the rules and reflect on how you both can keep your egos in check.
  15. @Cockyroach, I've just removed your post which whilst it was not strictly against the rules I must question the mentality of a parolee testing the boundaries immediately after release. Calm down please.
  16. You did follow orders for a time but you've reverted back to old ways.
  17. Yeah, it must suck not getting your way - surprised you haven't done another flounce.
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