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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. The problem here CG, is that some punters have lost nearest and dearest to Covid yet you've continually disparaged those who take sensible precautions by referring to them as "sheep" who wear "face nappies". Your stance is contrary to all logic and accepted medical protocols. Clearly you are party to some informed insight yet you you refuse to cite any sources.
  2. Ya jumped up little prat acting like a works convener. I think you've been around long enough to know I don't avoid issues. I haven't avoided any questions, rather I've been waiting for the chump to ply out more rope for him to hang himself...
  3. I did include a subtle dig at the superficiality of middle-class mores. Obviously too subtle.
  4. Unless you are intending to make an image that's large poster/billboard size then 20Mp is sufficient. As far as lens quality goes then the general maxim is spend the same amount of money on the lens that one spends on the camera. Prime lens (ie fixed focal length) gives a better quality than a zoom lens.
  5. Phone lenses have miniscule focal lengths but hey, if you think that's good then knock yourself out.
  6. Never used a micro four thirds, though one of my fav landscape photographers, James Popsys (who lives in my neck of the woods) rates them, especially the Lumix, very highly.
  7. By all accounts they're inexpensive with a good build quality but not too clever for sharp imagery. I haven't given them much notice as last time I looked they had only two R-mount lens in their catalogue. Most of their Canon kit is for M-mount and APS-C cameras.
  8. I can honestly say I haven't. I did a supermarket shop over the weekend and I could still buy bottles of rioja, jars of La Vieja Fabrica (hubby's preferred choice of marmalade) and other European chilled products, which was nice. Punters will hit a problem if they buy stuff on the grey market from exporters (if in the EU) or UK importers who haven't sorted out freight forwarding regs. I mentioned back in March that I bought a Laowa lens - this was sourced on the grey market from a long established and reputable Hong Kong dealer. It took five days to reach me with no issues. As ever, Caveat Emptor.
  9. Hardly shocked, Panz - your anti-Brit, pro EU integrationist stance is a matter of public record, despite your weasel words of protestation. Lord Frost seems to be doing a good job thrashing out a deal within a framework mandated by the British people. I appreciate this is an alien concept to you and your fellow countrymen shackled by a Quisling regime on behalf of the Eurocrats but we kinda like our independence.
  10. Yep, I like a good scrap even its only a practise session.
  11. He chose to play with matches...the lesson here is don't pick a fight unless you know you can win.
  12. Well, you were warned... Its no good shooting your mouth off then hiding behind a newby blanket-comforter when it goes all pear-shaped. Stay in the shallows.
  13. No, obviously not, neither is being manipulative nor being Machiavellian as you are belatedly finding out.
  14. He hasn't disclosed any personal information, he's a schmuck but at least he realises he would look a complete pratt if he did otherwise.
  15. ...and I knew I could get you to disclose the PM, I didn't think it would only take one post though.
  16. We do? No surprise I guess - part of being a Mitty is self-delusion. Anyway, 70 odd minutes ago you pompously said that your work was done yet here you are, still rattling away.
  17. Well your admittance to not knowing the facts are noted. Not being in your "good books" is no biggie.
  18. You should read the thread, then you might want to take that foot out of your mouth...
  19. "Sweetheart" followed by a dig against my hubby and your asking me if I'm rattled? Priceless.
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