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Mrs Roops

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Everything posted by Mrs Roops

  1. Nevertheless, under the circumstances, I think I would remember the name.
  2. I think its no exaggeration to say that irrespective of their own views, the majority of serving and retired flag officers were dismayed by the letter as it was "disturbing and reckless". Not only was the letter counter to the military establishment ethos of being non-political it also contained several inaccuracies. The letter, penned by former officers, many of whom retired decades ago, accused the FBI and the Supreme Court of "ignoring" allegations of widespread voter fraud. In fact several Federal investigations had taken place and The Supreme Court had been petitioned but rejected the charges. Furthermore, Trump's own Department of Justice said last November that the election was the "most secure in American History" As far as I am aware Maricopa County has undergone three audits. The fourth and current audit is blatantly partisan in that it is being undertaken by an Cyber Ninjas, a small "cybersecurity" firm whose President Doug Logan is an unashamed Trump supporter who, in the past, has shared outlandish conspiracy theories. There has been much litigation as Cyber Ninjas, who aside from employing counters recruited from far right organisations, are also demanding the passwords to all routers thereby giving them access to law enforcement and all State Services including health records. More litigation and legal petitions have ensued as Cyber Ninjas have, to date, refused to provide written details of their counting procedures and measures to keep the ballots secure. Add to the shitfest is the social media rumour that prior to the election the Republicans had secretly watermarked the ballot papers without telling anyone. AFAIK, Hillary Clinton conceded defeat to Trump the moment the results were known in 2016, a courtesy denied by Trump to Biden. She was right in saying that Trump lost the popular vote.
  3. Eric might have good reason to disbelieve you as Ms Headey's dad's Christian name is John. Her ex-husband was Peter. What the hell is wrong with you?
  4. My views? Trump lost the election and certain elements of the GoP can't get over it so they continue to sow doubt about the result in Arizona which was signed off by Republican Governor Doug Ducey, but enough of your forlorn attempt to deflect by spurious whataboutery. Instead answer the original question on Trump's legal challenge of a thousand depositions. I'll answer this for you - the challenge is dead in the water and has been from the outset. As a punter who "studies American elections" do you think the Florida Governor will invoke an obscure state law to save Trump being extradited to Manhattan where an orange jump suit awaits him?
  5. You mean the letter penned by 124 American Herbert Gussets ripping the QAnon playbook which inferred the Capitol riot never took place? How's Trump's legal campaign progressing to get the election results overturned, you know, the one where he has a thousand depositions of ballot fraud and other dastardly Democrat shenanigans?
  6. There are times when I think you and your ilk are not correctly wired up. Seriously Bill, grow up.
  7. Eh? You sure about this, OCR. The image quite clearly shows a Ford Focus and a Renault Clio at a car park near York Minster cathedral. Seek help.
  8. Unfortunately for you everyone has realised that you're staring down the barrel of a smoking gun and you pulled the trigger. You're stammering over the semantics of what may or may not be a potted CV but that is not the issue as well you...all of us know, that you did make out to be this amazing polymath who gave his expertise and time to better the less fortunate. Your persistent refusal to answer the question is because you are unable to do so. All you are doing now is attempting to double down on the deceit. My advice is take a rest from The Corner for a few weeks and return. If you wish to return under a new ID then that'll be fine.
  9. Well, its not a CV that I would send to a prospective employer but for the purposes of trying to impress via the medium of The Corner's PM facility it was a potted CV. Now, are you going to answer as to what you meant by me "knowing better"?
  10. Actually I did though of course I did not specify details of what degrees you achieved, nor the nature of your very admirable altruism.
  11. It rather looks the onus is on you to "come clean". Still not answering the question I see.
  12. Unfortunately, its not me you have to convince. Avoiding the question is not helping you, Walter.
  13. Interestingly, there was a world forum of people with doctorates giving large that covid was a conspiracy theory... My post included a YouTube vid of their first conference. The vid has since been removed by YouTube.
  14. I already said in a previous post what you itemised in your PM, you recently made out the PM comprised of seven words, it was much more than that. For all intents and purposes it was a potted CV. Now stop being anal and explain what did I know better as per the previous. For some reason you are skirting around the issue.
  15. Yeah, this is just an exercise in self-serving deflection. Now explain as per previous, what did I know differently? Name dropping and citing "others" isn't going to help you now.
  16. Too late, your first response was to negate an opinion which was a side issue, nothing about the narrative being false.
  17. Again, he bought it up, he attempted it before and tried to make me agree that he was a veritable polymath, at the time I wasn't having anything of it... Perhaps he would like to explain as to *what* I know differently.
  18. Otherwise no denial on the facts. Just a lame rebuttal on an opinion.
  19. That was tried in Sweden with calamitous results.
  20. I don't think I put it like that, but be that as it may, it was other party who bought up and weaponised the PM.
  21. Well, the devil is in the detail - or rather the lack it. You did indeed supply two acronyms, but omitted to mention that you indicated the fields in which the degrees were awarded in which the subjects and scope were as different as chalk and cheese. You also omitted to mention that you provided a further qualification which inferred you had a highly paid and glamorous career. The icing on the cake was the stint of altruism where you put one of your professional qualifications to good use which bettered the lives of people who otherwise could not afford your services. One mo' thing; to earn the glittering prizes (which were hardly "Mickey Mouse" degrees) one would require a mindset that could assimilate complex detail and present a narrative in a calm and measured manner, and yet we have seen that when flustered you deflect by using patronising terms of endearment, you've even played the menopause card. Your PM was designed to impress, that it certainly did though not in the way you intended.
  22. I get that but you haven't exactly helped yourself. The issue isn't so much the controversial POV but the refusal to back up your position with fact or rationale.
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